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<br />}P-..mended: 9/4/01 <br />:1 Ali.1enued: 6/27JOI <br />1 ;l,.:n.l'=lide.d.: 1/10/01 <br />Etfe\~tive 9/5/00 <br />Ctty ofCentenille Ord. #4 <br />visual obstructions at any intersection, alley, driveway or street for safe vehicular, <br />bicycle or pedestrian movement <br /> <br />Section 105-040: Swimming POOl Felidng. No prh :le swimming pooi with a <br />water depth exeeeding twenty-four (24) inches may be allowed unless enclosed <br />by a perrnanent \i\/ali or fence not less than six (6) feet in height vvith self-dosing <br />door and seif-closing latch, <br /> <br />Diifi;c;icmHO; Si{Jr; Riil'tlUiiltioms <br /> <br />SecHoni'W-Q'j:[I: G.ane,al Pmvisiom;. <br /> <br />See Ordinance #:39. <br /> <br />!]hfisiO!fl "!'15: }l'eiQl1t <br /> <br />S~3ctk)n '>~ ~~5=iD"H]: OVlja~~~ng$" i\lo d\;velling {)( i)H'I~.3r builcHng rnay be erected to a <br />heigl-'n exceeding thirty-tiv8 (35) feet 'without the issuance of a Special Use Pernlit. <br /> <br />'Secl:ion 'lii5otl2u: !:Ul:llSS Height on ii!i Permit Uponlhe securing of a Special <br />Use Permit any building mav be erected to a height exceeding that specified fOf <br />the respective district providing: <br /> <br />,4_. <br /> <br />.1"I"e' 'f'I'n','I'; "6'.r ~I"<~""'" .~I'd'- ~'.lal'l "c l.r"lc,'o'"~e' ... u""'~ (' 'I ','h"I" <br />,. 'U ,1.1! ;:;j a ....~ '-'1..1'-" Y(..1<..~ ,:;, IJ\.> ,<;;;;C!"" U III::: i ,Uv <br />rOf each one ('I) foot by Wllich the buiiding exceeds the height <br />limit estabiished for such district; and <br /> <br />P<_. <br /> <br />The structure is 8(j~J tl"'i6 fC-ikYvtlh t8. t6tENlStOn and (adio <br />tovv'crs; church spires, bellrje~; cnonurnents] tanks, \ivater and <br />nee to\!v'6rs, grain elevators; stage tovvers and scen6ryiotts, <br />cooling tov'iers, ornamental towers and spires, chimneys, <br />elevatof bulkheads, smokestacks conveyors, fiagpoles, silos, <br />and air conditioning and heating units; and <br /> <br />\j <br /> <br />1\30 lower', gabie. spire, or similar structure shall be used for <br />sleeping or eating quarters or for any commercial purpose <br />e)(cept one ('I) incidental to the permitted uses of the main <br />buildinq <br />v <br /> <br />1_ <br /> <br />Page 47 of82 <br />