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<br />Diviskm 12u: Vim;:!"" <br /> <br />3 A~llellded: 9/4/01 <br />:2 ?...Ine;Uded: 6/27/01 <br />1 Amended: lIlO/Ol <br />Effective 915/00 <br />City of Centerville Grd. #4 <br /> <br />Section '12Q-010: General Requit&!lumt:!L The minimum depth of front yards, <br />I'ear yard and side yard for each District shail be as defined in the Schedule of <br />Regulations and conform to the following additional regulations: <br /> <br />A. Ail structures, whether aHached to the principal structul"e or <br />not, and whether open or enclosed, including porches, <br />carports, balconies or pistforms above normal grade !evel <br />shail not project into any minimum front, side or rear yard; <br />and <br /> <br />B. LCt5",",hdHiiBU::C~R~6-fi~&ti'~ffii-i&~d:) tioe <br />~li;;g~~ af8fl\r8~€it -gea~~~~ <br />e~li R€~49>~j~~~iffl5e-5ig~"€!--s:3~aGI", <br />~i3"~1~ <br /> <br />B. Lots which abut on more than one (1) street shall provide the <br />required f(ont lIards alon>] eacll street for the prineiDal <br />structure. Side liard setbacks fm an accessory buildino wil! <br />appjv to the frontaqe that is not considered \0 be the required <br />front val'd; and j <br /> <br />C. Any principal structur:3 situated on lands contiguous to 01 <br />abutting any portion of the public lakes in Cenierville shall <br />maintain yard setbacks of seventy-five (75) feet from the lake, <br />this may be considered the front yard setback. Whel-a <br />adjacent structures ilave yard setbacks different from these <br />(equji~fnonts, 'i:rls llljnimurn setlJacK troin the lake sllall be the <br />average setback of such adjacent structures to a minimum of <br />fifty (50) feet; and <br /> <br />D. The minimum side or rear yard depths for the following 1l01l- <br />I-esidential structures or uses which abut any lot in allY <br />Residential District shail be: <br /> <br />1. Olr-street parking spaces S\llci access drives for ncn- <br />residentiai uses - Twenty (20) feet; and <br /> <br />2. C.tlurches, schools and public or semi-pubiic structures <br /> <br />1 P..mended: JfHlU1J'(V' 10, 2001 <br /> <br />f,__~.~ ,iD _i::"n,-\ <br />