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<br />3 ..-'\mended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Allltnried: 6/27/0 1 <br />1 Amended: 111 O/Ol <br />Effective 915/00 <br />City of Centervil1e OId. #4 <br /> <br />- Forty (40) feet; and <br /> <br />3. Recreation facilities, entertainrnenr <br />facilities, all business uses and all <br />industrial uses - Sixly (60) feet <br /> <br />5el;iioi1' Cmi"!i1g fu.tmt Y:i.iirds. For the purpose of computing front <br />yard dimensions, measurements shall be taken from tile nearest point of the front <br />wall of the buildino to Ihe street right-of-way line subject to the following <br />qualifications: <br /> <br />A.. C.ornices, canopies, or ea.ves rnay extend into the requinsd <br />front yard a distance not exceeding two (2) feet, six (6) <br />indles; and <br /> <br />B. A landing place or uncovered porch may extend Into the <br />required front yard to a distance not exceeding six (6) feet, if <br />tile landing place or porch 1188 its floor no higher than the <br />entrance floor of the building, An open railing no higher' than <br />three (3) feet may be placed around such place; and <br /> <br />C The above 'enumerated architectural features ma)1 also <br />extend into any side or rear yard to the same extent, except <br />that no porch, terrace, 01" outside stairway sr,ell project more <br />U18n three (3) feet into any side yard and then, in the case of <br />an outside stairway, only if it IS unroofed and unenclosed <br />above and below tile steps. In no case shall a porch, stair <br />landing, or ariy oUler archjtectural feature extend closer U'"ian <br />fC:J; (4) fsst'to U!~ 5~,d6 prcJp6dy iii'18; dr iU <br /> <br />D. On a comer lot in any Residential District, noUling shall be <br />erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner <br />as materially to impede vision between a height of two and <br />one-half (21/2) and ten (10) feet above the centerline grades <br />of the intersecting streets in the triangle bounded by the <br />street of the lot and a line joining points along the street lines <br />fifty (50) feet from tile point 0'1 the intersection <br /> <br />Section 1:;N:QJ30: Erection eli' Mon, ihlJlril Om~ Principal SimG~tli"e on lot in <br />any district, more than one strudu(i= hOLlsing a conforming principal use may be <br /> <br />Page 49 Df 82 <br /> <br />I <br />