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<br />J .Amended: 9/4/0 I <br />:;: i.mended: 6/27/01 <br />J Amended: 1/10/01 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of C.enterville Ord. #4 <br />en3cted on a single lot it yard and other requirements of this oidinanca are met tor <br />each structure as though it were on an individual lot Required on-site parking <br />space shall be provided on the same lot as the principallJuilding or use, except <br />that combined Q( joint parking facilities may be provided for two (2) or more <br />buildings or uses in commercial districts and in industrial districts, provided tllat <br />the total number of spaces is not less than the sum of ti,e requiiernentsfor each <br />building or lise, The proposed joint parl{ing space shall be within four hundred <br />(400) feet of the entrance of the use it will serve. A properly drawn legal <br />instrument, approved by the City, executed by the parties concerned, for joint use <br />of the off-street parking facilities shaH be fiied with the County Recorder's office <br /> <br />Division '125: Periorm,ulc& Stanctan::!s <br /> <br />Ever'} use permitted by this ordinanCe'! shail be so established and maintained as <br />10 comply with the provisions of this section. The Council may require the owner <br />or operator of 8 use permitted by this orclinance to provide such tests or <br />investigations by an independent testing orfJanizatlon satisfactory to the Council <br />as are necessary to show compliance wllh these standards. The cost of such <br />investigation and lests sha!! be shaied equally by the owner or operator and the <br />City unless the results disciose non-compilance wilh these standards; in that <br />event, the entJr'8 cost shall be borne by the owner 01' operator. This provision <br />does not preclude tile City from making any investigations and tests it finds <br />appropriate to determine compiiance with these standards. <br /> <br />Qivisil:m 'a::m: Oi1~5iil:", SeWiiifj<tl Treal:~1rjifmj: Sta.ldaru$ <br /> <br />l-'n,,- i'.l~'a' II.-'l',.-,r --'I.ld' ""'n'~I.'.' O.T'" l.r'O'I."I'dl ''''1' v. "'I.t,,,, "'~\'''''r .."'''.t......... '-1'1""1'\. I'"'' '.'.1 <br />I . .t ~.. ., G ,t.,) I 1 Cl '~~l'd I J ...:let Ul t-".., '-' ....CJ,,;C ~y"", C:lll:-:l;;.'l ..... >.J'-i <br />corr'iplianc8 vvjUl !\Jllnnesoia Pollution Control AgenC:l F<ules, Chapter "7080. <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />Permit Reqtlired: <br />pump an on-slle <br />perrnit. <br /> <br />l'~o person shall install, repair, aiter or <br />sewel' system without first obtaining a <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />License Required: installation, repair, pUITlping and hauiing <br />of private on-site sewer systems requires licensing per IVIPCA <br />Rules, C[lapter 7080 as administered by the County. <br /> <br />1_- <br /> <br />Page 50 oni2 <br />