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<br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 A.ll1ended: 6/27/01 <br />I Amended: 1110101 <br />Effective 9iS/OO <br />Cit:'f of Centerville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />wlvisiml 135: i\iui$i1iIlGi/:l Sta"d""ds <br /> <br />Section i35~10: Odo,s and Emh;,;,k,m." Odors and emissions trorn any use: <br />shall not exceed this regulations set torlll by Minnesota Pollution Controi Agency <br />Rules. <br /> <br />SilcCtth:m '135..010: iJm'lt illnd P21rtiGl1iaIe. Oust and particulate rneUer fmm any <br />use shail be WI compHane,s with and regulated by Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency Rules. <br /> <br />Section '!35-0JO: 1\]01;:;" and Vibratioi1$. Noise and vibrations generated from <br />any use shall be in compliance 1Nilh and regulated by Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency Rules <br /> <br />Section 135-040: (,!ara, Direct or reflected glare, such as from flood-lights, <br />spotlights, or tligh ternperalure processes, and as differentiated from general <br />illumination, shall not be visibie beyond the site of origin at any property line. Any <br />lights used for e:cterior Iliumination si1ali be directed away from adjacent <br />properlies. <br /> <br />Section '135-050: Wnste, All waste ,;Jenerated from any use shall be managed in <br />compliance with and regulated by Minnesota Pollution Control Agenoy Rules. <br />Waste generated on any premises shall be kept in containers designed for waste <br />collection and stored in a structure or within an approved enclosed m screened <br />area. The accumulmion, storage, processing or disposai 01' waste, compost or <br />recyclabie il1aterials on any prenlises, \fvhich is not generated on that prernis~~s, is <br />prohibited, except as specifica!ly provided in this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Sect~on "~,35~060: Sg'no~{e. Sriloke shal! be ITisasured at the point oi: ernission by <br />using the Ringelman SmOI(8 Chai~( published by tile United States Bureau of <br />Mines in Circular No. ";7'18. Smoke not darker or more opaque than No. 'Ion that <br />chart may be emitted except that smoke not darker or more opaque than NO.3 on <br />the chart may be emitted for a period not longer than four minutes in any thirty <br />minutes. Ti,ese provisions applicable to visible gray smoke of a different color but <br />with an equivalent cepacity. <br /> <br />Sect~of~ -~35",070: FUITaes ~r G@5~$~ Furnes or gases shan not be ernitted at an~l <br />point in concentrations that are noxious, toxic, or corrosive. The values give in <br />Table I (Industrial Hygiene Standards - Maximum Allowable Concentration for <br /> <br />Page 51 ofg2 <br />