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<br />3 Arne-nJed: 9/j/0 1 <br />1.Amended: 6/27iOl <br />1 .-'-ullended: 1IIO!Ol <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br /> <br />City of Centerville Ord. #4 <br />deveiopeCl under the terrns of this (H'dinance on separatE: parcels_ <br /> <br />Section '!8!i-(jSli: Access to Public Right-Df~Wail" Tile site of a PUD shall <br />abut, ane! the !'najor internal street or streets serving the PUD shall be connecteej <br />to, at ieast one prirnary arterial, or neighborhood collector street <br /> <br />Se;Gtuc(t '18~]'"~]!JO: UtR~h:y R~quirerneff~t~" Utiiities, inciuding telephone and <br />electrical systems, installed within a PUD shall be piaced underground. Utility <br />appurtenances, vvhicfl can be effectively screened" rnay be 8xc(.::pted rrorn this <br />requirement if tile City finds that slIch exception viii I be consistent with the <br />objectives of this article and the character of the proposed PUG. <br /> <br />Section '18iO-"!Oi!:i: Op<ei"l Sp<lG6, A. minimum Qf tfJenty peroent (20%) of the <br />gross land 8i"88 for private or public open air recreational use protected by <br />covenants runl1lnf] \ivith the laniJ Of' by conveyances or dedicated as the Planning <br />and Zoning Commissioil may specify shall be an integral part of the plan. Such <br />Open StJ8.ce areas shall not \ndude {and devoted to streets, parking and prlvate <br />yards. Whenever possible, common Open Space shall be linked to the Open <br />Space areas of EKjjoining developments. Cornrnon Open Space shall be of such <br />size, shape, character, and lecations as to be usable for its proposed purpose. <br /> <br />Sectior~ 18u~"~'~ o~ P~M'k~ng. O'ff-stn3\3"t pal"king and loading space shall be <br />provided in each PUD in the sarna ratios for types of buiidir~g5 end uses as <br />required in the underlying Zoning District <br /> <br />S~{;t~~}n ""~80~i A~Ttlttg~rIiH~nt of Cztrjllf~K~l({d&n U~l$$, \N'hen i~ PtJD includes <br />cornrnerr~i3j uses, CGiTitnerdaJ builcHngs shaH be planned as groups having <br />CGiYBT!nn pzrk!ng areas ane! Gr;rnrnon ingress anel ,9gress points. Each <br />(~r1nln18r(~i,::t~ an.~Et '3h~n ry:: 3epsr2tStj "{rcern ~)t1t.;tU;'.:g (s.3kiGr~tj5; araa6 bY' appi'ci~(iat& <br />screens (), fences. li.le design of cornrnercial areas shall provide for the <br />integrated and l,armonious design of buildings and for arjequate and properly <br />arranged faciiities 'for internal traffic) circulation1 landscaping! and such other <br />features ;anel fBcilities 8;3 n18}i be necessary to iTiaka the srees attractive and <br />efficient frorn !Ii," standpoint of adjacent non-commercial areas. Any area which is <br />not to be immediately improved or developed shall be landscaped or otherwise <br />maintained in a neat and orderly manner as specified by the City. <br /> <br />Sect~Gl~ i3~l~1:j,t]~ AiiY3ngefif'htSif'it ()f!ndt]fJ;tfi~~ ths~~. in any PUD including <br />industrial uses, the industrial uses shali be provided in park-like surroundings <br />Lltilizing iandscaping and existing woodlands as buffers to soreen li(~hting, parking <br /> <br />Pa~e 64 of82 <br />