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<br />3 ~q.mended: 9/4/01 <br />:1. .~..lliended: 6/27/01 <br />1 P...i'11ended: 1/10/01 <br />Etlective 915100 <br />City cf Centerville Ord.. #iJ <br />areas, loading ar&8S and outdoor storage of navv' rnaterjals or products. An <br />industrial area in a PUD shall provide for the harmonious design of buiidings and <br />a compact grouping in order to economize in the provisions of required utility <br />services. Streets in a planned industria! ama shail be kept to a minimum in order <br />to reduce jT,-~fflc. All spaces between the right-of-way line and the industrial <br />building line and ail inter./ening spaces betvveen buildings, drives, parking areas, <br />and iInprovecl areas shall be iandscaped 'with trees :and plantings and properly <br />maintained. <br /> <br />S~ction i8f>>-14o~ PnJcedurec <br /> <br />Pre~AppUC.12tt~Oift Mee:ting. Be-rof& subrrdHing a fonnal application ler a PUD <br />unde;- 55.03, tile developer shall meet with lhe PI;snning and Zoninr;J Commission. <br />The purpos" of this meeting is 10 discuss early and informally the purpose and <br />effecl of this Ol-dinarice and lhe criteria and standards contained in this Ordinance <br />and to farniliarize the deveioparvvH.h the Cit}/s COinpn.=:1hensive Plan, including the <br />land use picH"!l the major thoroughfare plan; and the parks and Open Space plan1 <br />and 'with Hie subdivision regulations and tlle drainage, S8\1Ver) ~""?lnd v\rater systenlS <br />of trie City. <br /> <br />Sectuon 1ifhl,/~f1)iO~ j\pp~icaH~)WL An 8pr;iication for approval of ;3 PreliHlinary <br />Development Plan lor a proposed PUD shall be 1118c1e to tile Planning and Zoning <br />(~Qrnn1ission, bY' at least one o\,vner or lessee of property for which the PUD is <br />proposed. The -application shall be accornpanied by a certified crl€Gk or n'10ney <br />order to COV6( the costs incurred in Ghecking and precessing sLlch plans in an <br />arnount affixed by reSOlution of the C!ty Council. The app!icL~tjon vvith <br />acconlpanyjn~J (jutiln~~ DeveloplYient shall be subrnitte-d in tvveivf3 ('j 2) ctJpies <br />and shall inciude: <br /> <br />;. <br />J"'\, <br /> <br />A \lic1nitv rnao 81' a SG8!e of one {'j "y': hlcl~; sCluals tINe) hundred <br />. ,,' I - .. <br />fifty (2S0) feet sho\Jving property lines) existing streets! <br />existing zoning, and such othe( items as the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission may require to show Hie relationship of <br />tl1:5 'IJroDosed PUD to the Cornprehensivt-1 Plan of the Citl)(, to <br />, . . <br />existing schooIs and oHler cornmunity "facilities and servIces, <br />and to the surmumjing area; and <br /> <br />I:~ <br />'--'. <br /> <br />jl, oreljrninarv oiaf'! of the PUG in sci-iSn-li:;tlc fern) shovvina tile <br />, J' .... <br />following: <br /> <br />P::jo-,"": IS':; n-fi,;'} <br />