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<br />3 Amended: 9/4JO I <br />2 J;.J:llended: 6/27/01 <br />1 Amended: 11101G] <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of Centerville OId. #4 <br />'I. The existing topographic character of the <br />land; and <br /> <br />L A composite of all natural amenities of <br />the site including sleep slopes, (lrainage <br />\)\laY8 pius rnarshes, ponds and lakes; <br />and <br /> <br />3. The size erf sile and proposed uses of the <br />lam] to iJe developed together with an <br />identification of off-site land use; and <br /> <br />4. The density of land use to be allocated to <br />the several parts of the development; <br />and <br /> <br />s. <br /> <br />The approxirnate <br />thorougrrfares; and <br /> <br />!ocatiO(i <br /> <br />~..J I <br /> <br />t), The location of cornrnon open space <br />including public schools! pafl(S and <br />playgrounds or private natural preserves; <br />and <br /> <br />/ . Ti'le O'ff.~st(ef..:t parking sy:stenl. <br /> <br />C A \i1,t(jtlen s'lsternent lndudirlQ U'16 fCiikJvving: <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />}1, st:i'l61 '1"IC(I( t~k lite: UVI!I ie: ::jhjp ui: 2lii land <br />':nvolved in thIS PUD tOfJ\~ther vvHI, a <br />sUl"l1rnary ot previous \Nork experience; <br />and <br /> <br />An e){planaUon of the gerlsrai character <br />of the planned deveiopment; and <br /> <br />-, <br />0. <br /> <br />A S'l8ternent describing the ultlrnate <br />ownership and maintenance of all parts <br />of the development inciuding streets, <br />structures and open spaces; and <br /> <br />Pa~e 66 of82 <br />