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<br />:3 iu.1lellded: 9/4/Gl <br /> <br />:I: ftJnended: 612;"/01 <br />1 Amended: 1110/0] <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />eiLY ofCemerville Ord. #4 <br />\Nith Prelin1inarj! Developrnent Plall. FoHoiNing friisi. Hie <br />applicant shall record the Final Development Plan in the <br />manner provided for recording subdivision plats. If the Final <br />Development Plan is not in substantial compliance. the <br />applicant shall be requested to repeat Hie procedures <br />outlined for <br />trio Pre!inlinary Deve!oprnent Plarj. <br /> <br />Si:icliCiIl lu{)-;Z.Hl: Time lhliit If '"vor!, on tile PUD is not started within three <br />l110nttls of the proposed schedule date after final approval has been granted, <br />approval shall tenYiina'ta unless an extsi"""ision period is requested or granh~d by the <br />City CounciL <br /> <br />Sect~Qn '180=:220: j~Y'U1l1Ua~ R;tHi~E~\i'V" The Planning 8fltiZoning Cornrnlssion shall <br />reVie\N an PUD Districts within the Citv at hS8st once each vear and shaH rnake a <br />~ " <br />report to tile City Council on tile status of the development in each of the PUD <br />Districts. If the City Council finds that development has not occurred within a <br />reasonable time ansr the original approval, the City Coullcil may Instruct the <br />Planning and ZOri!ng Cornrnission to initiate nezoning to the original Zoning District. <br />by removing the PUO District fwmthe Official Zoning Map <br /> <br />5~ctiOijl 180....230~ l1.\nle](~d!JI{~ent~~L ji,rnendrnents rnay be rilade in the apprOVel] <br />final plan <br />vvhen they are shol:-vn to be required by changES if) conditions that have occurred <br />since tlle 'finai pian vv'8S aPPfoved or by changes in the Deve!oprnent Policy of the <br />City. <br /> <br />p". \\/iirHJr changes in the lec3tjof'I., sitting, .snd hSlght of buildin1Js <br />anCi structures jTlay os authorized by the City Engineer if <br />requested by engineering or other unforeseen circunlstanc8s. <br /> <br />B. AJI other charlges in use, rearrange\nent of 10tsI blOCkS, and <br />open space, must be authorized by the City Council under <br />procedures outlined ror amendment of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />S",d:iol1titl!1l-Z411l: Comple*in11" Completion of the PUD shall be certified bjt the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission on the Final Development Plan. Thereafter. H'ie <br />use of land and tile construction, modification, or alteration of any buildings shall <br />be governed by the approved Final Development Plan. Changes may be <br />authorized only under the procedures provided belovv: <br /> <br />Pa2e 72 of 82 <br />