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<br />. 3 F_mended: 9i4/0 I <br />2 Amended: 6/27/01 <br />] Amended: ]110101 <br />Eftective 9/5/00 <br />City of Centerville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />A. I\JHncr Bja6(), alterations or lTlodifications of existing <br />structures may be authorized by the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission if they ara consistent ',vith the Intent and purpose <br />of the final pian and do no!: increase the cube of any building <br />or structure by rnOfe than ten ("iO) perc.snt; and <br /> <br />Changes in the use of comrnon open space or the <br />replacement of any building substantially destroyed which <br />exceeds the intent and purposes of the Final Development <br />Plan may be authorized only by amendment to the final <br />deveiopment <br /> <br />Se(;tHO!"~ "i 8G~~hSO: S~tB ~r81~fl7H!eil'nent~. l:!,.t arr)) till'i6 Toilo\ivinn the 3f'-')Drova! of a <br />P . _, <br />Development Stage Plan by the City Council, the applicant may, pursuant to Ihe <br />applicable codes of the City apply for, and the Zoning Admlnisln3tm may issue, <br />grading permits for the area '\",iU'iin the PUO for which Development Stage Plan <br />approval has been gil/en" <br /> <br />Sectkm 11l{J<;!SiJi: C~oi!,;>truction" i ne consiruction ana provisions of all the <br />common open spaces and pubiic and recreational facilities which are srlown on <br />the Final Development Plan must proceed at the same phase as the construction <br />of dwelling units, At least ono,> every six (6) months following the approval or tile <br />Final DeveJoprnent Plan, the Zoning Adnlinistrator shal! revlsvv ali of the Buiiding <br />Permits issued for the planned development and examine the construction which <br />has tat(en place on the site. if he/she si-lalJ find that the rate of construction of <br />civilelling units is D(eater then the rate at whicn common open spaces and public <br />~"o'l ,Oe"(''''"t" :'''JI'1a' I f~""II"t' '''''' >'~\J"O b"'''''' ,0','("""1'", ,,-',:0'" -Ild 'TI'''' 'I" +_(c< ,'"1'" "'1-'1"1 'roMI"rd <br />C:11 I ~'-" '.;.;Cl ,I... .'0'-" /:;.:;:1..>1 ,........ ll'::~ ~ '~vl ~ ...",.1 ~~t. .......A.'-'U d .... i"~ t"l\' ue; ~II ..... ,..I -c. ',\J~C:O \.. <br />thjs jnf0i'TnatiiJi"i t(j H-i\i; C~)LHjCi!, \Nilich fnay revoke (he PUD Perrnit. <br /> <br />5h*ct~iQn 130<27'{>>~ ~'Vlii~nteY'llu~c>e oJ G{)h1Hif~On Op~n -S1Pl.lca~ Ail land st10vvn 01'1 <br />the Fina! Developrnent Plan as cor-ornon open space rnust be conveyed to <br />homeoVvners associaiion or simiiar oroanization for Ihe mainIenance of the <br />Q <br />pianned development The cOlTimon open space !Tiust be conveyed to the <br />llorneo\;vners association Of similar orgar'jlzation subject to cnvenants to be <br />approved by the City Council which resirict the common open space to tile uses <br />specified on the final development plan, and which provide for the maintenance of <br />tile common open space in '" illanner V\l11ich assures its continuing use for its <br />intended purpose, <br /> <br />Page 7?) of 82 <br />