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1 Classification 506 9 Municipality 0 Sj L i <br /> I LMC AWL. i <br /> Date 1 <br /> Ledges ° Minnesota Cities <br /> Cities proinot eseeilence <br /> • <br /> Research and Information Service <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 90A Seaton 5. Failure to Obtain License Section 12. Confinement of Animals. State of Minnesota stating that the Immunity <br /> A N ORDINANCE LICENSING AND Ifgte owner of an animal subject to license lot No animal shall be allowed by its owner to run Is in excess of the periods therein stated. The <br /> REGULATING DOGS AND CATS, the City o f Cologne fails to obtain suck at large. The police or animal control officers veterinarian shall State on the certificate or <br /> PROVIDING FOR IMPOUNDING DOGS license shall be subject to afine of 525.00 per of the City shall take up and impound any • vaccination the type of vaccine used. If not <br /> AND CATS, AND PRESCRIBING A animal. (f eller an Imposition of the fine, the animal found at large in violation of this I stated, it shall be assumed a killed viral <br /> PENALTY FOR VIOLATION owner continues to fail to obtain a license for provision, and shall deal with said animal In I vaccine was used.Vaccina(ions shall be <br /> • sudiWilmat eact1`subaeg0enpyalrfinal accordance with the provisions of this i performed only by a doctor qualified to <br /> OFthe owner taws to obtain suc F can4B Shop Ordinance. - practice veterinary medicine in the state in <br /> THE CITY COUNC FTt$e <br /> COLOGNE, Mffffjjj111flflfl���E ,,, 0 OyRHkD,Fbe deemeda'aestate viola7Wt Section 13. Animal Nuisances. The which the animal is vaccinated. A veterinarian <br /> AS FOLLOWS : ' .l ( � ) additional line of $25.00 for each such owner or custodian of any animal shall who vaccinated an animal to be licensed in <br /> N � lone. For are purpose - Y y / suf <br /> V cesaive day. prevent the animal from committing in the the City of Cologne shall complete a <br /> Section 1. Ds a Seniors 6,' Impounding. Upon the City any act which constitutes a nuisance. Iris .cenification of vaccination in triplicate. One <br /> of this ordinance, certain terms and words taiUng eItecf�tmb Ordinance, ale Pollee and a nuisance tor any animal to habitually.or -.copy shall be Issued to the animal owner for <br /> animal control officers of the City are frequently bark or cry, to frequent school 'affixing to the license application, and one <br /> are defined as follows: authorized to take up and impound any grounds, playgrounds, Plailn9 lie! 63 . Parka, •cepy shall be retained in the veterinarian's <br /> 1. •Ammer means any dog or cat. animal found al lane in the Cif) and arty public caches, to chase vehicles. to molest 6le <br /> 2. "Owner' means any person, firm or unlicensed animal: and to enforce this or annoy any person away from the property Section 19. Kennel Defined. A private <br /> have c non who shell own, harbor or keep or Ordinance said officers am empowered ro of his owner or custodian, or to damage, • kennel Is any place where mote than two (2) <br /> have custody of an animal, or the parents or amen upon any private premises whether defile, or to destroy public r pr property. I animals over Mx (e) months of age are kept <br /> guardians of a person under 18 years of age they have reasonable cause a believe there Failure of the owner or custodian of an ' or harbored, such animals being owned by <br /> who s <br /> who shall own, bather, keep or have asady is an unlicensed animal. el m prevent Ole animal from committing the owner orf lessee of the premises wherein <br /> Man atlarg Section . Notice of impounding. animal whereupon the animals are kept or <br /> th <br /> 3. 'At large' <br /> shall mean o6 the Premises o BA s <br /> Upon taking up and impounding any animal, such a nuisance is a violation of Ibi harbored. A Ole al kennel is any place <br /> e owner and not under restraint. The term the animal control officer may within 24 hours Ordinance• where a A non, firm a kennel i a any accepts <br /> 'under restraint' shall mean under coned m' thereafter post, In one or more conspicuous Section 14. Interference .. With where a from the general public and where <br /> s of a leash not exceeding six (6) feet in <br /> n pPlaces In the Ciry. a Notice of Impounding in Officers. It shall be unlawful for any person ouch animals am kept for 1116 purpose of <br /> selling or within the property of the owner's <br /> lose. substantially the following tam: <br /> (To bo Provided} to break open the pound or to attempt to do g boarding, breeding, training, treating so, or to take a let out any animal therefrom, <br /> S. "Sterilized' means neutered in the rase Section 7. Redemption. Any animal or to take or anempt to take from any officer or S i � g' 2g. KOnn•is, <br /> of male animals or spayed in the case of may b redeemed from the City Pound by the any animal taken up by him in compliance Section 20 01 Kennel License. No person, <br /> female animals, owner within the time stated in the N otice by with this Ordinance, or in any manner bum or tio 2 0.01 shall maintain in Nis Ciry a <br /> Se <br /> owner 2. License any animal ed. No the payment to the City Clerk of an interfere with or h such officer in the Iprlya{o Apr. at k n jnerrii m ken el, withbut, <br /> animal owner shall keep any animal within impounding lee of 515.00 and costs for each discharge o his d uties under this Ordinance. <br /> the City after are first day of March 1994 d ay the an is co n fi ne d in t e pound. Section 15. Offense Involving Animal C�.ourI ,i2 8 ?. .the(aa e from. t Ciry <br /> unless a license macabre has been firs[ Ta s. 11 shall be unlawful to counterfeit or oar (mss ki auchlcerinel license <br /> secured. Licenses shall be Issued by the City With any unpaid license fee en the anempt ID counterfeit the tag provided fo in shall be $25.00 per year. Seceen 19 and 20 • <br /> Clerk a Deputy Clerk fora lee of $3.00 for current year. In the woe of unlicensed Section 4 of this Ordinance to take from any a this Ordinance noIwithatantlinp, no license <br /> each sterilized dog and 55.00 for each rmdaun l • ded an S ection 2 of this shall be required for a private kennel <br /> Ordmance notw $I0.00 tor sterilized g, the annual animal a tag legally placed upon it by another upon tract or parcel of land being used for <br /> and 55.00 for each unsterilized cat. Every unsterilized dogs and cats. 8111R1alh a a agriculture as that term is defined in the <br /> license application for a license. shall be Section 8. Release. Upon the, Section 16. Animal Tags Not 9 <br /> accompanied by a certificate from a qualified Transterable and Fee Not <br /> a' t Refunded. zoning Ordinance and it said cats are kept <br /> veterinarian ahowin that the animal a be presentation of a correct l icense tag and a s shall not b0 transferable from for rodent control proposes incident to the <br /> 6 receipt for an animal license and for Animal ta the fees g daltural use of said tract of lend. <br /> licensed has been given a vaccination provided in Section 7, the animal control One animal to another, and no rotund shall be Section 20.02 Renewal of Kennel License. <br /> against rabies as required by Section 18. The officer shall release to any owner the animal made on any animal license fee because 9 Kennel licensee shall expire en the 30th day <br /> applicant for a license for a sterilized animal chimed by him. - Bea of the animal, o r because of leavin of A follow the is suance. Upon • <br /> snow present a statement from a qualified Section 9. Du licate Animal Ta s. the Ciry by the owner prier to expiration of the <br /> Duplicate B , application lor renewal of a kennel license, <br /> veterinarian indicating . Lic s that the animal has any g - license. an authorized City employee shall inspect the <br /> use case w an animal t is lost, a <br /> been sterilized. Licenses shall expire on the duplicate may be issued by the City Clerk Section 17. Muzzling Proclamation. <br /> 28th day of February in the second year alter upon presentation a a recei t showing ma When the prevalence of refries renders kennel of the applicant end said City <br /> issuance. P such a ction necessary to protect th pu blic • employee shall submit w the City Clerk either <br /> payment of the license tee for the current an affirmative ardfcadon that said kennel is <br /> Settle^ 3. Cate 01 Payment. It shall be yew. Adtarge o $ .50 shall be made breach health and safety, the Mayor shall i ssue a elntained In a neat, orderly and sale <br /> the duty of each Owns of an animal to pay suupg. proclamation ordering every person owning <br /> ch dlicate ta itlon a a negative certification that said <br /> the license tee imposed In Section 2 to the Section 10. Disposition of Unclaimed or keeping an animal to muzzle it securely m ennel Is car <br /> negative c ne0. The City clerk <br /> City duly On a Setae the first day a A so <br /> March, Any that i cannot bite No person shall violas y Issue a renewal kennel license provided <br /> n animal wh en i s nal claimed as <br /> or upon acquiring ownership or possession provided in Section 7, within five (5) days such proclamation, and any animal running ., <br /> of any unlicensed nimal or upon alter impounding, may be sold for not less at large during the time l i ne d i n th a. The aforementioned certificate is <br /> establishing residence in the City. Animals not than the amount provided in Section 7 to Proclamation shall be killed by the police or Irritative: and, <br /> licensed in accordance with this Section shall anyone desirin a purchase the animal. An animal control aficer w notice to the <br /> desiring Y b. No complaints have been received by <br /> pay a late fee or been per animal, except i f animal which is not claimed by the o wner or owner. the Ciry. <br /> the animal has been impounded and not sold shall be epainlessly disposed of and Section 16. Refries Vaccination. After In all other cases, the kennel license shall <br /> buried by the animal control officer. <br /> licensed, in which case. Section 7 shall the effective date of this Ordinance, no be roan other rca upon City Council approval. <br /> W h r an <br /> GO MM Whenever licensed educational or lic ense shall De granted for any dog which Section 21 Abandonment Prohibited. <br /> Section 4. Receipts and Animal Tags. scientific institution shal re quest, pursuant a alas not have a valid vac cination a No firm or corporation shall abandon <br /> Upon the payment of the license fee, me Minnesota law, any impounded animal for . rabies for the calendar year in which the o Pe a nimal within the Ciry, ,� <br /> owner of said licensed animal shall be research purposes, any such impoundetl .license is to be issued. Alter February 1, - <br /> ilk receipt therefore, together with a animal remaining unclaimed for live (5) days 1994• no license shall be granted for any cat <br /> �16 le tag. The owner shall cause said lag alter impounding shall be surrendered to which does not have a valid vaccination <br /> �� affixed bye permanent fastener to the such inslillldon, against rabies for the calendar year in which <br /> collar of the animal s° licensed In such a Section 11. Establishment of ■City the license is to be issued. A valid vaccination <br /> manner that the tag may easily be seen by pound.The Ciry may construct and maintain shall be deemed to be one (1) year for cats <br /> the officers of the City. The owner shall see an animal pound, or the .Council may and one (1) yew for dogs vaccinated with a <br /> that the tag Is constantly worn by such ' designate as the animal pound a suitable modified live vaccine: except that the period <br /> animal, - " ' kennel either within or without the City limits. of immunity may be extended to no more <br /> The animal control officer shall keep than 36 months for dogs vaccinated with a <br /> aaounrs animals impounded at meaty modified live vaccine upon written <br /> Pound and their tliapositien; and shall girt cemfication by a licensed veterinarian In the <br /> over Stich accounts to the Cfv Clerk upon <br />