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Sect Ion 22. Proos • <br /> g for fo _ -- Destruction of Certain Animals. the City Clerk. The Council may establish by <br /> Upon. sworn complaint to the court or resolution. from time 10 time; an amount to be <br /> proper jurisdiction that any one of the I retained by said deputy animal licensing <br /> following facts exist: clerk, as a service charge for services <br /> a. That any animal at any time has performed. The authority and duties of <br /> destroyed property or habitually trespasses I deputy animal licensing clerks may be <br /> in a damaging manner on property oft terminated by the City Council at any time <br /> persons other than the owner: . i ;with or without notice and with or without <br /> b. That any animal at any firths has Icause, Prior the appointment of any deputy 27,02 Animal Bites Animal: Impoundment. <br /> attacked or bitten a person outside of !animal licensing clerk, the Council may Any animal known to have been bitten or <br /> owner's or custodians' premises; stipulate such condition and restriction upon exposed to rabies shall be impounded and <br /> c. That any animal is vicious or shows the apppiniment and the performance t the destroyed, provided, however, That such <br /> violate habits or molests pedestrians or appointees' duties as the City Council may animal may be immediately destroyed, it with <br /> interfere* with vehicles on the public sight-of- r deem necessary for the protection of the reasonable effort it cannot first be taken up <br /> way or highways: and ; public interest and to secure compliance with <br /> and Impounded. It such an animal is <br /> d. That any animal is running at large in the requirements and standards of this impounded, it shall not be destroyed it the <br /> violation ofthls chapter. Ordinance, owner makes provisions for suitable <br /> Said coup may issue a summons directed Section 24. Animal Bites. Any polies or quarantine for a period of not less than Six (6) <br /> to the owner or custodian of said animal animal control officer of the City may enter months, or proof of immunization is furnished <br /> commanding him to appear before sold court upon the private property or any person In and booster Injections are given by a <br /> to show cause why said animal should net be pursuit of any animal under probable cause licensed ve[ednanan at the expense of the <br /> seized and destroyed by any police or animal I or believe that such animal has bitten a °'w <br /> control officer, or otherwise disposed of in the :Demon or another animal, or that such Section 28 Penally Any person, firm, or <br /> manner authorized In this Ordinance. Such animal Is rabid. corporation violating a provision of any this <br /> summons shall be returnable not leas than <br /> i Section 25.' Implied Consent. Any OrJuraiko shill uptirf loft nit?�i'e7gtiii; <br /> erson who shall be an animal owner in the golly oI a m(adenhe$nor anp' all e <br /> two (2) nor more than six (6) days from the • Cl „t tt o , <br /> date of service Hereof and shall be served al <br /> City hereby grants an implied consent for Punis(tAA a Ime oYiro more ih'3n $700.0d <br /> leas[ two (2) days before the time of the entry upon his premises, without express andor imprisonment in the County JalI for not <br /> appearance mentioned therein. Upon consent, to the animal comet officer or police more than ninety (90) days. The Carver <br /> County officer for the purpose of enforcing County Sheriff, any law enforcement officer <br /> hearing and finding the facts true as provisions of this Ordinance, under contract with the City , any animal <br /> complained of, the court may either order the Section 26. Destruction. Except as control officer retained by the City or the City <br /> anima( destroyed or order the owner or expressly authorized by statute, it shall be Clerk may issue citations for any violation of <br /> custodies to keep It confined to a designated unlawtd for any this Ordinance. <br /> place- a the owner or animal violates such Y C ity. a other Nan an t Section 29. everabillt I1 an <br /> order, any police or anima( control officer O agent , o d City. acting pursuant which th this ti S il y wort of <br /> Ordinance, to destroy any animal which has competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any <br /> described in such' order. The' provisions of provision of this Ordinance to be invalid, such <br /> may impound or destroy any animal bitten any person or animal unless such <br /> animal has been determined to be or is rabid. judgment shall not affect any other provisions <br /> this section are In additon ib and Section 27. Biting Animals. of this Ordinance not specifically included In <br /> supplemental to other provisions of this Section 27nmal Bites Human Being; <br /> said judgment. <br /> chapter. 01 Ai <br /> Costs of the proceedings Impounded by Owner. Section 26 Section 30. Repeal. City Ordinance No. <br /> prsse g specified by this ng, whenever any 90 is h repealed. <br /> section be assayed against the owner Y Pe hereby Pe <br /> owning, possessing or harboring arboring a animal <br /> Section . all Ef Date. This <br /> or custodian the of the animal if the taste in e within the corporate limits of the City shall Ordinance shall be In full force and effect <br /> complaints are found to be untrue- learn that such animal has bitten any human from and after its passage and publication <br /> Section 23. Deputy Animal Licensing grin such person shall immediate) this 4th da of October, 1993. <br /> Clerks. The City Council may from time to Impound such animal Impound a y y Paul WIckenhauser, Ma <br /> time by resolution, designate ate and appoint a period of ten (1b) Mayor <br /> days separate pe rapart from other animals • <br /> receipt of the fee shall knish to the own�rd under the supervision of a licensed Attest Susan Johnson. <br /> any animal, a license tag as approved q' veterinarian until it is determined whether the City Clerk <br /> animal had or sa <br /> Ordinance. Such deputy animal licensing has rabies. I( the animal is i <br /> GOO) shall not be authorized, however, to found to be rabid, it shall be destroyed, (Published in Na Norwoad•Young America <br /> [ any impounding imes Oct. le, 1993) �, <br /> accept payment for fine, ice oundin 1. Notice to the Cl Ciry, The owner shall notify -- - - - - ' <br /> charge, per diem Impoundment charge, . the City Clerk and animal control officer of <br /> kennel license fee or other penalty or charge such Impoundment, <br /> established ,by. this . Ordinanc.. All license • 2. Impoundment by the City If the owner <br /> fees collected by any - audi deputy animal , be advised of the animal bite within <br /> licensing deck shall be remitted monthly to the two (2) hours following the occurrence, or <br /> - - - -. if the owner fails to impound the animal as '- <br /> required in the section, the City Police or <br /> • <br /> animal control officers shall cause such . <br /> animal to be impounded, 11 the. animal is <br /> found to be rabid, it shall be destroyed; lilt Is <br /> - found not to be rabid, it. shall be reamed to <br /> . the owner provided the owner shell Brat pay <br /> for the cost of keeping said animal. II the <br /> owner does not pay such cost within five (5) • <br /> days alter he has been notified to deice or <br /> retrieve his animal, the animal Ally be <br /> _disposed of as provided in this Ordinance. <br /> _. _. <br />