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The group discussed possible dates for the festival, and agreed the festival will be held on <br /> July 28 — 30, 2000. The committee would like to see the activities last throughout the <br /> weekend. <br /> After open discussion on several different issues, the group prioritized the major tasks <br /> that need to be started at this time. The following sub committees were formed: <br /> Sports tournaments/Race Bill Bisek & Monica Travis <br /> Carnival Karla Devine & Lori Dorn <br /> Parade John Thill & Aimee Fairbrother & Michele Wroblewski <br /> NSP Poles /signs Ray DeVine <br /> Sponsors/Financial Jim March <br /> These subcommittees will begin their tasks for next years celebration. <br /> The committee felt the need to continue meeting on a monthly basis for the time being, <br /> therefore the next Fete Des Lacs Revitalization Committee Meeting will be on Monday <br /> September 20, 1999 @6:30 at the City Hall. <br /> Thank you, <br /> Aimee Fairbrother <br />