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C <br /> WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 471.59 authorizes political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota <br /> to enter into joint powers agreements for the joint exercise of powers common to each. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY STIPULATED AND AGREED: <br /> I. PURPOSE <br /> The parties hereto agree that they have joined together for the purpose of promoting <br /> the efficient redevelopment of the park including trails and City trail connections to the Rice Creek <br /> Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve to serve the recreational needs and interests of park users. <br /> II. INTENT <br /> It is the intent of this Agreement to outline the responsibilities of the City and the <br /> County in the areas of maintenance of the local city trail connections within the Rice Creek Chain <br /> of Lakes Regional Park Reserve boundary. <br /> III. RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> A. County Responsibilities: On the property identified in the attached exhibit <br /> as being subject to County management, the County shall have the following responsibilities: <br /> 1. To provide routine maintenance, repairs, and upkeep on a scheduled <br /> basis by the County Parks and Recreation Department of the main regional trail corridor within the <br /> Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve, at a minimum according to the guidelines of the <br /> County Parks and Recreation Department. <br /> 2. To provide proper identification signs for the trail. <br /> 3. Where appropriate, to provide and install posts and trip -down posts <br /> with locks where city trails enter onto the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve <br /> property. <br /> B. City Responsibilities: On the property identified in the attached exhibits as <br /> being subject to City maintenance, the City shall have the following responsibilities: <br /> -2- <br />