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Lawn Care Service Bids <br /> Mr. March stated that the presented bids were received from Valley Creek Lawn & <br /> Landscape, Inc., the City's current lawn service provider, and Grass Roots Lawn & <br /> Snow. The bid from Valley Creek Lawn & Landscape, Inc., was approximately $500 <br /> less than that of Grass Roots Lawn & Snow. <br /> Motion bv Council Member Sweenev, seconded by Council Member Travis, to <br /> accept the Bid of Valley Creek Lawn & Landsca�e Inc., for Lawn Care Services for <br /> 2001. All in favor. Motion carried unanimousIv. <br /> IX. NEW BUSTNESS <br /> Northern Forest Products <br /> Mr. Paul McDowell, Northern Forest Products, appeared before Council and indicated his <br /> company is still in the planning stage for the expansion. The site has been graded and <br /> nothing has changed since he was before Council previously. <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers inquired as to whether all the terms and conditions I <br /> of the tax abatement were agreeable to Mr. McDowell. Mr. McDowell indicated they � <br /> were. I <br /> Motion by Council Member Sweeney, seconded by Council Member Broussard <br /> Vickers to adopt Resolution 00-33, a Resolution Authorizing a Five (5) Year Tax �� <br /> Abatement for the Northern Forest Products Expansion. All in favor. Motion I <br /> carried unanimouslv. , <br /> Ground Develo�ment — Pheasant Marsh PUD ' <br /> Mr. Terry Hannah, Ground Development, appeared before Council and informed them of <br /> the status of the Pheasant Marsh Planned Unit Development (PUD). Mr. Hannah stated <br /> that he has met with the two (2) property owners to the north of the development in <br /> regards to driveway access. Mr. Hannah stated that they are currently driving over a <br /> sewer easement and may or may not have a valid easement to do so. <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned whether the use of the easement by the residents for an <br /> extended period of time entitles them to continue to do so. City Attorney Hoeft indicated <br /> it is possible that the residents may be entitled to use the land due to the length of time <br /> involved. <br /> Council Member Sweeney stated that the Parks and Recreation Committee had expressed <br /> an interest in having the trailway run ovez the same easement. <br /> Mr. March stated that he had received three (3) e-mails concerning the timing of the <br /> development in relation to the overcrowding of the elementary schools. Council Member <br /> Sweeney also stated that he had received calls concerning the development and noted the <br /> Ciry's Comprehensive Plan indicated the area is scheduled for development between the <br /> Page 5 of 10 <br />