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, <br /> Fitzgerald, and he mentioned tha.t he would like to see the marker for �t. Genevieve's Church read the <br /> same. Ms. Capra's let�er also stated that the cost of the marker woul�i be $2000.00. <br /> Ms. Fairbrother questioned the EDC Committee if they would want to continue this historieal project <br /> through the committee, or let Ms. Capra move forwazd and support her with a fund raiser or whatever <br /> help she needs. <br /> Ms. Fairbrother asked if there were letters sent to property owners in the dowmtown area to if they were <br /> interest in a historical marker, and if so, was there was any follow up. Mr. Rehbine stated he was not <br /> aware of that happening. He feh it was the property owner's responsibility to more forward with the <br /> historical markers. Mr. concurred that he was not aware of any letters beirig sent out. <br /> Mr. Rehbine sta.ted the historical part of the Downtown Revitaliz.ation was to contact the property owner <br /> and see if they w�re interested. <br /> Mr. Rehbine stated that the Design Team thought the Church was the only bu.ilding tha.t qualified for the <br /> historical marker. <br /> Ms. Fairbrother asked the Cammittee if they should send this back to Ms. Capra. to let her know that if <br /> the church, or church council is interested in pursuing, she should forward more informa.tion to the <br /> Committee to pursue. <br /> Motion by Mr. Terway to remove from the agenda, pending any action by Council or Council <br /> members. Seconded by Mr. Rehbine. All in Favor. Motioned carried. I <br /> Downtown Revitaliaation <br /> Ms. Fa.irbrother stated she has no news regazd'uig the downtown revitalization Mr. Travis stated that � <br /> there was a feasbility study done. This study will be in the next packet. <br /> Star Ci ,ty Goals , <br /> Winter Canuval <br /> Ms. Fa.irbrother stated that EDC has been talking about trying to incorporated Winter Activities into this <br /> Committee. She stated that the Lions events (Golf on Ice and Ice Fishing Contest) were successful and <br /> this is the time that EDC should be working on ideas for winter activities for next year. <br /> Mr. Montain questioned how the Wargo Nature Center Snow Day events went. Ms. Scheller attended <br /> the Snow Day event and eommented that they were handing out the flyer that EDC had given them. She <br /> stated that they did use the coupon at Kelly's and recognized a couple other fasnilies there tbax were <br /> doing the same. <br /> Business and Citizen of the Year Awards <br /> ' Goetz Landscape and Irrigation won Business of the Year Award and Mr. Jim March won Citizen of the <br /> Year Award. Congratulation to the winners! Mr. Terway read a letter that was not signed that stated <br /> how disa.ppointed the person was in the award system There was a brief discussion on how they could <br /> improve the nomination forms and keep the community informed. <br /> Lifetime Achievement Awazds <br /> A worksheet was handed out for Lifetime Achievement Award. A seven ('� member committee <br /> ' consisting of the Mayor, one Council member, 2 new residents, 2 senior citizens and the chair. Two (2) <br /> o le were nominated• Tom Wilharber and Sharon Smith. Mr. Montain volunte ed <br /> Pe P � <br /> er to be on this <br /> subcommittee of EDC. This committee would only meet once to deterniine the winner of the Lifetime <br />