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Achievement Award. Nominees need four (4) out of the seven (7) votes the win the Lifetime <br /> Achievement Award. Mr. Montain volunteered for this subconunittee. <br /> Draft Business Surve� <br /> Ms. Fairbrother m�ntioned she Iooked at the survey that was in the packet last year, and came up with an <br /> invitation for the Business Dinner and a sample business survey. She thought this would be a quick and <br /> accurate way to get the survey out. The survey card would be the size of a post eard and self-addressed <br /> for converuence. <br /> Tb.e Survey stated: "To better determine what is important to you, rank the following EDC roles from 1 <br /> (low importance} to 9(high importance). Please mail this self-addressed postcard at you convenience, or <br /> bring this card along to the 7`� Annual Business Dinner. Thank You!" <br /> Creating awareness of local businesses <br /> Reta,iniug current businesses <br /> Marketing new businesses for the city <br /> Business appreciation dinner <br /> Downtown revitalization business directory promotion of the city <br /> Star City status <br /> Weleome Neighbor booklets <br /> Business & Citizens awards <br /> 4ther, please note. <br /> Mr. Terway agreed with this survey. The Committee questioned the numbering systeins, 1 being low <br /> importance and 9 being high importance. Mr. Terway felt that this would be less complicated to tabulate. <br /> Ms. Fairbrother questioned how this could be worded. Mr. Terway suggested 9 being the most important � <br /> and 1 being the least important. Ms. Fairbrother questioned the committee on if it would be okay to use <br /> money for The Comxnittee agreed. <br /> � <br /> Motion by Mr. Terway to accept the draft business survey as presented by Ms. Fairbrather with <br /> noted changes. Ms. Scheller seconded. All in Favor. Moti�n carried. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Business Anpreciation Dinner <br /> `I'he da.te for the Business Appreciation Dinner was set for May 15, 2001. A menu was discussed along <br /> with speakers such as the EDC Chairperson and the Mayor. At that time, the EDC will hand out the <br /> Business of the Year Award, and recognition of Citizens of the Year, Lifetirne of Achievement, and <br /> recognition past EDC members: Mary Capra, John Magill and Lori Dorn. <br /> Letters of Interest. <br /> There were two (2) people who were interested in becoming members of the EDC Committee; Bridget <br /> Backman (Centerville resident) and Jordon Savageau from Farmer Insurance. Ms. Fairbrother asked the <br /> Committee if they would like to have them come in for an interview andlor invite them to a meeting. <br /> Mr. Montain wouid like to ask them to come in for 10 to 15 minutes for an urterview. <br /> Motion by Mr. Terway to invite Bridget Backman and Jordon Savageau from Farmer Insurance. <br /> No Seconed. <br /> Earth Dav <br />