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Ms. Patricia Scott dropped off a letter to the EDC. It asked if the EDC would Iike to coordina.te a poster <br /> contest for Earth Day 20Q 1 which is scheduled for Apri121 st. The Committee thaught it was a good idea, <br /> ! but there wasn't enaugh time. They support the idea but they will pass. <br /> Mee ' Time <br /> Ms. Fairbrother stated that City Council would like all cammittee to standardize there meeting times. <br /> Discussion was held and the flowing motion was <br /> � Motion by Mr. Terway to change the EDC meeting time to 6:30 p.m. Mr. Rehbine seconded the <br /> motion. All in Favor. Motion carried. <br /> Goals and Objectives: <br /> At the last meeting when the Ma.yor and Council were there to discuss setting goals and objectives as a <br /> Committee. Ms. Fairbrother had a list. Mr. Travis didn't realize tha.t they were asking that from each <br /> Committee. The Star City Plan was mentioned by Mr. Rehbine. <br /> Ms. Scheller would like to see the EDC set their goals and objectives. Ms. Fairbrother wrote her gaals <br /> and objectives on the board as follows: <br /> 1. Increase business awazeness <br /> * bad., *trivia contest at Festival time have the answers on the cable channel, website and the Le <br /> Journal, *Le Journal (there aze 62 businesses — Ms Fairbrother commented that Ms. Scott is going ' <br /> to be doing a article on a business for each Le Journal and send out the business directory, <br /> *survey, * wurter. <br /> 2. Star City Goa1s <br /> 3. Dow�own Revitalizatian <br /> The Committee recommended that these goals and objectives be put in the packet for the April 17'� <br /> meeting. This allows the Committee time to review them and add to them if desired. <br /> Mr. Monta�in stated that the focus should the business climate. We are to make the Council aware <br /> of new business as well as retaining current businesses. ' <br /> Mr. Monta,in mentioned the rental fee the City chazges landlords. He explained that the City has no way <br /> of knowing who all the landlords aze to collect the rental fee from He mentioned that he can not believe <br /> that the City would enforce the $50 a day fine if they were to find out someone was not paying this fee. <br /> He explaaned the reason the City has a long history with rentat property is that Anoka. County could not <br /> handle the tenants, therefore; they put the responsibility on the City to pass an ordinance on rental <br /> properry. He stated that the City is not aware of who the landlords aze, and most of them do not live in <br /> the City. <br /> Mr. Rehbine requested a copy of who is paying on Rental property and a copy of the ordinance for the <br /> next meeting. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Motioned by Ms. Fairbrother to adjouned the March 20, �001 EDC meeting at 8:35 p.m. Seconded <br /> by Mr. Terway. All in Favor. Motion carried. <br /> Respectfully submitted: <br /> Kris Sweeney <br /> City Staff <br />