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, �� <br /> CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br /> COMMUNICATIONS AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> MARCH 29, 2001 <br /> 6:30 p.m.. <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereo� the City of Centerville Communications Ad oc <br /> Committee held their regularly scheduled meeting on Mazch 29, 2001, at City H L; 8 <br /> Street. <br /> PRESENT: Chair Theresa Brenner <br /> Committee Member Loren Abrahamson <br /> Committee Member Tom Fairbrother <br /> Committee Member Craig Bode <br /> Committee Member Andrea Witzell <br /> ABSENT: None. <br /> STAFF: None. <br /> OTHERS: Mr. Bill B' `, Kelly s. ' <br /> I. CAL ; O ORD <br /> ' B e ed e 2 Y o cations Ad Hoc Committee meeting <br /> o r � at :3��� <br /> II. P � f W <br /> `�'3 e�`.i o�' d� �. d �' ed him for his attendance at the meeting. <br /> e ` he ed `' e th . ommittee awaze that an additional member <br /> e ap r a1 on Co ttee; however, several members of Council <br /> e' stro ' e` s ``individ a financial and contractual conflict of interest <br /> e C mmittee. Mr ". isek felt that those Council Members were purely <br /> a: pers on the indi 'dual rather than accepting her on her merits. Mr. <br /> -f' t tliat' ost individuals tha.t serve on Coxnmittees, at some point, have a financial <br /> r p_; �" nflict and act accordingly. Chair Brenner stated that Mr. Bisek needed to <br /> e ouncil of his feelings due to the fact that they appoint members to the <br /> ' ee. Mr. Bisek thanked the Committee for the opportunity to discuss this ma.tter <br /> em. <br /> III. NEW BUSINESS <br /> l. Goa1s <br /> Chair Brenner reviewed the Mayor's goals that were contained in the packet. Chair <br /> Brenner briefly discussed the role of the Committee stating tha.t the Committee can <br /> research numerous items, make recommendations; focusing on, at a minimum, the City's <br />