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'� � <br /> March 29, 2001 <br /> Communications Ad Hce Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> web site, records management, cable channel and the newsletter. Committee Member <br /> Bode requested that the Chair clarify the role of the Committee. Chair Brenner stated <br /> that the Committee may research as much internal processes of the City as they desire <br /> and make via.ble recommenda.tions to Council. Chair Brenner again stated that, at a <br /> minimum, the Committee would be researching the above stated items. Committee <br /> Member Bode questioned the definition of communication. Chair Brenner stated that <br /> coxnmunication was not only for residents but of the City, but the general public an.d <br /> providing the opportunity of the general public two (2) communications with the City. <br /> ' Chair Brenner stated that she was surprised to see $10,000 budgeted for the Committee. <br /> Comxnittee Member Fa.irbrother stated that the Council removed this dollar amount at <br /> their meeting. Chair Brenner stated tha.t Council supports the Committee and would be <br /> discussing an alternative budget amount at a later meeting date. A suggestion was made <br /> regarding inviting outside individuals participation in providing information and <br /> suggestions. The Chair felt that this was a viable option, <br /> 2. Progress Reports <br /> Chair Brenner stated that she would attend Council meetings to provide same. <br /> 3. Current Commurucations Resources <br /> Chair Brenner briefly reviewed with the Cornmittee a list of the current communications <br /> resources that the City has available. Chair Brenner stated that the list contained items <br /> tha.t she was aware of at the time she served on Council. Chair Brenner felt that the list <br /> ma.y be outdated, but it was a starting point for discussion. <br /> Chair Brenner stated that for the past two (2) years any independent contractor, Ms. <br /> Patricia Scott, has been used to compile the City's newsletter. Chaar Brenner stated that <br /> Ms. Scott has been producing 12 issues per yeaz tha.t are pxovided to local businesses for <br /> distnbution and a quarterly newsletter that is mailed to residents. Brenner provide <br /> a sample newsletter and detailed expenditures associated with the production of same. <br /> Chair Brenner stated that Council is currently researching this item and that the <br /> Committee ma.y suggest a more cost effective avenue for providing the same information <br /> � to residents. Chair Brenner stated that contained in the packet were samples of other <br /> communities newsletters and suggestions for additional informa.tion. Brenner <br /> stated that the Committee needed to research cost effectiveness, content, etc. Chair <br /> Brenner stated that when Ms. Scott was hired to produce the newsletter, she was given <br /> full rein and Council did not have much input as to the inforn�ation placed in same. Over <br /> time, there has been questions as to what should or should not be addressed in the <br /> newsletter. Initially, Council never provided Ms. Scott with direction as to what should <br /> or should not be contained in the newsletter, wluch has put Ms. Scott in an awkward <br /> position of trying to please a lot of people without getting really solid direction up front. <br /> In fairness to Ms. Scott, that has the production of the newsletter very difficult. <br /> Chair Brenner stated that she felt that the new Council had more ideas as to the direction <br /> of the newsletter, a more forn�al process for content, and review process. Chair Brenner <br /> e�lained that Council is looking for a recommendation from the Committee for a more <br /> formal process, content, layout and appearance. Chair Brenner stated that when she was <br /> serving as a Counc� Member, the Council would approve every newsletter prior to <br /> distribution. Brenner stated that the City is responsible for the content of the <br />