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, <br /> March 29, 2001 <br /> Communications Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> newsletter and it should have control over the message that it sends out. Chair Brenner <br /> stated that she felt strongly, that when she was serving on Council, the responsble <br /> authority should have control over content. Chair Brenner stated that Ms. Scott was <br /> originally given that on her own and currently the City is trying to go back the other way <br /> and have the City be more in control of what is being sent out. <br /> Committee Member Bode questioned whether Chair Brenner had. a sample of the <br /> newsletter prior to the production of the LeJournal. Chair Brenner stated that the City has <br /> them on file along with her personal fiies at her home. Chair Brenner stated that these <br /> newsletters were produced in house, by the City Clerk and was the responsbility of that <br /> position for many yeazs. Committee Member Bode requested that the Chair provide the <br /> Committee with copies so that they can review same. Committee Member Bode stated <br /> that he would lilce to compare the two (2) newsletters to ascertain if the newsletter was <br /> continued 'm the same format or redrafted with the LeJournal. Committee Member <br /> Fairbrother stated that he felt Ms. Scott based the newsletter on another City's newsletter <br /> due to the fact tha.t she praduces same for them Committee Member Fairbrother felt that <br /> it was not a newspaper and that it should not be whatever Ms. Scott wants it to say, but it <br /> should go through Council. <br /> 4. Web Site <br /> Chair Brenner stated that the City has had the web site for approxiznately two (2) years ' <br /> and is mainta.ined by Media Junction. Brenner stated that contained in the packet <br /> for Committee review was most of the information that is on the web site. Chair Brenner i <br /> stated that there is a large amount currently on the web site; however if was felt that the ; <br /> site could be more interactive. Some suggestions included pernuts, dog licenses, surveys, I <br /> eta Chair Brenner stated that the site needs to be updated on a regulaz basis and that it <br /> should be a priority. Chair Brenner stated that the Committee needed to make a ', <br /> recommendation to Council to have updating of the web site be a priority of staff. The ' <br /> stated that she printed out several other communities' web sites for Committee's <br /> review. I <br /> Chair Brenner presented additional items of suggestion for organizing the web site <br /> information. <br /> Chair Brenner discussed the League of Minnesota Cities and web site software that is <br /> geazed for municipalities. Chair Brenner stated that it is additional informa.tion to <br /> consider. Chair Brenner stated tha.t 14 cities ranging in size from 700 to 5,200 aze using <br /> the League's soflware. Chair Brenner stated tha.t inforn�ation regarding same was <br /> contained in the packet for review. <br /> Chair Brenner discussed additional information from the League of Minnesota Cities <br /> regarding lia.bility issues for cities. Chair Brenner called the Committee's attention to <br /> page 5 regarding data contained on a city's web site. Chair Brenner stated that the City <br /> , must be cazefully not to violate the Data Privacy Act in regards to information on the web <br /> site. <br /> Chair Brenner stated that previously mentioned was document archival and records <br /> management. City 5taff and Council already begun to look at this issue. Chair <br />