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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />1IpOD' pn.alltation ancl eurreuder hareof, the pr1.Dc1.pal hereof are p.yable 1D <br />lawfuJ. lIOIley of the- United State. of Amarica by check or draft by <br />, KiDDe.oU, .. Bond Reautrar, P.ylDc....t.. <br />'traufer Alne aJld AleIlt, or ite de.ipated ncce..or UDder <br />the ...lutiOll daacr1.bed hereiD. For the prompt &ad full p&)'UDt: of such <br />pdac1pal aad iDtereat .. tha..a re.,ectively becOIIe due. the fuU f" <br />&Ild: credit &Ild tIt....."1 powera of the City bave beeD &Ild are hereby trrevo- <br />cU1r' pWpd.. <br /> <br />fte."C1ty a,. alecc on February 1, 1998 ancl OIl &D.T iDtere.e p.,..c data <br />thueaftft'" to prepay BOIlde of th1.a iaaua ..turiDa on or atter FeJmaU:r 1. <br />1999. Weapt1.OIl.y b. ill whole or in p.rt of the BOIlda. nbj_t: CO: <br />p1:"""'" If ndapt1.ora 1.8 1a part" tho.e Bollda. r-1D1"C apaU;'wbfch <br />.... CIaa Iataat atuJ::l.t)P date' wJ.l1. be- f1.nt. If only p.ct. of t:B <br />J'oQd. __ . _AD& 'U&1Ir1~' date are caned. for prep.,.nt: tht ~~tc <br />~. CD .. napd4f 1Iil1. ~. cho... bT' lot by. the Keai.crar. AU. J1:epa)'- <br />... ....I'D kat:. price of paz' p~ accmaed: mcenat.. <br /> <br />De ctCT ..~U baa de.~p.aced the< Bond., as. "qua1Ulect t:IIZ __t <br />.r'l",~_"" _dam the -Qf1lc of Secdcm 265(11) (3) of the Dlhmal. <br />....... Code: of 1986 (the Code) ad. ,,1 tlt11l. the $10' 1d1lJ.0Il. tUdt e1IDwd;' lip' <br />the COer. for the calendar Y"ar of 18n... <br /> <br />... <br /> <br /> <br />-.......... ,. <br />..tffd~...~ ~ *- Boat .. CODt~ 0& the mY......!' <br />_... pIJ9t.~ ....n fft an. JUla... .". t:tie _ effed: -\ ~. <br />~ .....i1a tJda .r.... .' .,/,'""i~,~igEL: '.. <br />,...... ".".DOI: fl. -t1. en:..... .r""~~ a= ear ...,-"-J~;.g..~ <br />.. edt"r.. ..... ~ at a..ftc _6ft' ea.....~ UDt9 de,:/::~;;'~:/..''',,, <br />Ciw:tU't..c. ~ ~ttoa liaaoa. .an ... 1JeeD, aec1lt:ecf ... t:1Ia ~.."":~" <br />~ tl~ 1I8II1I&t "'~re oe' OIl. of u:a. _~ apru&ll~~~~",,;';:::.r',<\; <br />. . .\:~ t:~~yj i \>T~:~i~. :';:~tM:{:.,:',"~~~~> ;::,,:;-,',-,~,:, :..\'. <br />. DJ; 1N.'1.BSS WIIIUOr", the c:a" ~ C'eIl~" ~ka C'ouDtT.. V(-."~ ~fu;;i\;,.' <br />.. Ba at_ CfonefI.. 1iu UIIId thfa. ..... _Ia __r.~ m lea ... .:';i':k{. ; " <br />;tIIe .......M't. oe die Ifayor aid Ctt:F etftkt-'tr...uu ... ... . "';,' <br />0-..... ~ 1oIuf' cc. tie clace4 .. of die. elate. eee foJ:cb, below. i;,;;i,~, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />crrr. OF ~.a;Avn.LIr.. 1mDIES0'1'.l. <br /> <br />(t'acai1l1.1.) <br />Mayor <br /> <br />"::,:::~~,\r~D~k:~i ,:~:::~,):t; <br />"i.... ./,.., :' , <br />',,:', ;'\: t;-' '.:" <br />,- . .,_.,.".-,:....,~- ~ <br />::.<.ti.-... ::''',~--'\~''';~ . <br /> <br />Cud:UICAm or ~CATIOHi <br /> <br />ft1.a fa ODe' of th. Bcmcla clelivered punuant to the ...IudOa <br />MIlt10ucl vtthiD.. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Authorl.&ed aepr..entativ. <br />