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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 09-15-10 <br /> <br />stable in the area that could offer the service for less. <br /> <br />Whether or not the committee decides to have a 2nd Flea Market in the spring in conjunction with the <br />Annual Garage Sale Days is open for discussion, but the committee is leaning towards not having the <br />event. It was quite a bit of work and it was not that well attended, but the weather was also a factor <br />(rain and cold). This will be re-evaluated in the spring. <br /> <br />Chairperson Branch reported he attended a meeting on the recap of the Parade, Fireworks, 8K and <br />th <br />Lion’s Festival Events. The dates were set for 2011 with the parade being July 30, Fireworks are as <br />of yet undetermined, but it may be switched to Saturday night of the same weekend, instead of Friday. <br />The Lions will continue with the softball and kickball tournaments as well as the street dance, also the <br />same weekend. <br /> <br />2011 Park Upgrades or Enhancements (Play Equipment, Volleyball Court, Irrigation) Budget <br />Items: <br /> <br />A. Consideration of PA (Public Address) System <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />At the June 2, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Mr. Tom Leesuggestedto the <br />committee that if the Music in the Parks Program is something they would like to continue <br />they should think about purchasing a PA system as most good bands will not play for $300 if <br />they have to bring and set up their own PA system as it is time consuming and labor intense. If <br />the PA system were available the committee would be able to attract more good bands for <br />lesser fee. Mr. Lee said the committee could purchase everything needed for approximately <br />$3,200 and he will put together the information for the committee to review. Chairperson <br />Branch asked about storage and set up. Mr. Lee said the equipment could be stored in a <br />relatively small space, probably at Public Works and he would be able to train people to use it. <br />Committee Member Haiden asked about renting equipment. Mr. Lee stated that renting at <br />$250 each time the equipment would shortly pay for itself. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee supplied the committee with information regarding which equipment is needed and <br />costs associated. The committee has not had the opportunity to review this information as far <br />as making a recommendation to purchase the equipment and will discuss this item further at <br />the October 6, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting. The committee does believe a <br />PA system would be of great benefit to the City, not just for Music in the Park, but for all Park <br />Programs and City Events, such as the Fete des Lacs Parade and the 8K Run. The revenue for <br />the 2010 8K Run was $2,700 and the committee would like to request this amount be <br />specifically designated towards the purchase of a PA system estimated at approximately <br />$3,200. The committee feels it is important to use the revenue from the 8K Run to benefit <br />Park Programs as this was the goal with the inception of the run. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Seeley, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Grahek <br />to request City Council allocate the $2,700 revenue from the 2010 8K Race to a fund <br />specific to buying a PA system for City Events & Park Programs to be carried over into <br />2011. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />B. Play Equipment at Royal Meadows and Eagle Park ~ 2 to 5 Age Group <br /> <br />3 of 5 <br /> <br />