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<br />MR. PARTYKA: I asked you a couple of questions and you <br />didn't answer and you said - your vote doesn't mean anything <br />anyway. <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR JOHNSON: Sir, may I say - this is the hearing. <br />We can hear your views right now. This was 66% petitioned, so <br />obviously there was substantial interest in it. If there is <br />anybody who wants to say right now that they're totally opposed <br />or that they've changed their mind - that's why we're here. <br />We'd rather not hear you guys argue. Does anybody else wish <br />to speak to this project? <br /> <br />MR. MICHAEL SCHILLING, 2856 Farrington Street: I did not <br />see the petition and if I had, I would have signed against it. <br />i am against it now. <br /> <br />MR. CRAIG BARKER, Owner of Property at 2772 Virginia: <br />I don't know how I got involved in Farrington's petition, but <br />nevertheless I am. Nobody contacted me. I rent the property <br />out but I have not sold it because (inaudible). I think a few <br />of you people realize that. I know some of you people now. <br />I don't even know how I got on the petition. . <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are you on one of the side lots there? <br /> <br />MR. BARKER: That's right. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: That's why. <br /> <br />MRS. GENESE COLBERG: Why would he be on the Farrington <br />petition? Why wouldn't that be on the Iona Lane petition? <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR JOHNSON: It's all being treated as one <br />petition. <br /> <br />MR. CRAIG BARKER: However, no one contacted me or the <br />people who are living in that house at the time. <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR JOHNSON: Would you tell us if you're for <br />or against it? <br /> <br />MR. BARKER: I'm against it. <br /> <br />MR. DONOVAN HENDRICKSON, '2866 Farrington Street: When <br />I was petitioned for this, I voted for it. I would like to <br />withdraw my vote. I'm against it now. <br /> <br />MR. NORMAN PETERSON, 2798 Farrington Street: <br />lived in Roseville - at this property - for 23 or <br />and every year I've driven on the same potholes. <br />it's time to fix the roads. <br /> <br />I've <br />24 years <br />I think <br /> <br />MR. WILLIAM SCHRENKER: If I might clarify one point - <br />the reason we did not ask the people on Iona - we didn't <br /> <br />-5- <br />