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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:18:19 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:17:51 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. P-83-20 and Preparation of Plans and Specifications Therefor Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />this work, there would be some minor driveway restoration that <br />would not be assessed to anyone in particular; it is simply part <br />of the project, the same as the sod work. There is a little bit <br />of work done adjusting the catch basins so that they will fit the <br />new width where the curbs will be. There are also two trees, I <br />think, involved down near the church that would have to be <br />removed so that they wouldn't be in the way of the alignment and <br />and if I could have the other picture back, this very minor work <br />at the extreme north end where the roadway widens just slightly <br />to allow for safe access in and out of a very heavily traveled <br />roadway. Other than that it would be a road that would be cen- <br />tered in the right-of-way 34 feet wide. The only, the best way <br />to think of it in the mind probably is that it kind of sets the <br />curb and gutter outside the existing pavement. That would be <br />pretty close to what it would be at the ultimate development. <br />There are a few driveways right now that are fairly steep. Those <br />would have to be taken into account in an attempt to not make <br />them any worse. No roadway project Qan solve all of the driveway <br />problems. There are also some driv~ways that actually slope away <br />from the road, likewise that project would try to minimize those <br />problems but can't necessarily eliminate them because the struc- <br />\ <br />ture~ are already there. That same company, if some driveways <br />that are too wide or in the wrong place, will work with those <br />individual property owners to bring those specific projects into <br />performance with out City codes. That is what we have been doing <br />allover the City in our projects. Right now there are approxi- <br />mately 1,300 vehicles a day that use this and with or without the <br />widening it is projected there will be over 2,000 there by the <br />year 2000. Though it is a roadway that is being used by the <br />neighborhood and the roadway, we feel, will continue to be used. <br />What we would like to try and do is bring it into good shape. <br />Let it be in good condition for the neighborhood use in the <br />future. In order to meet these guidelines - if you recall, I <br />said that there was going to be a necessity to meet the state's <br />requirements - requirements are not only the 34 foot width but <br />that it be a nine ton facility that will have a longer life to <br />carry heavier vehicles if necessary. Secondly, that we would <br />have to have no parking on one side. Because of the location of <br />the park and the church on the east side, plus the fact that fire <br />hydrants are on the west side, it is recommended that the parking <br />be prohibited on the west side to allow better access to the fire <br />facilities and also to avoid the people using either the park or <br />the church for parking on the other side of the road who will be <br />a hinderance to those property owners while the people walked <br />across the street to where they really want to go in the first <br />place which is slightly hazardous. One of the nice things about <br />the state aid system is that under the City of Roseville pOlicy <br />in existance today, the City does not assess single family pro- <br />perty that is taxable, anything for the improvement. So that all <br />the work on the catch basins, curbs, etc. would not be assessed <br />to a single family property that pays taxes. Now it does assess <br />property that is tax free. Such as the City park, clear out to <br />Belmont, and the Lutheran Church, which is down near Roselawn. <br /> <br />-2- <br />
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