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<br />completed, we will have an assessment hearing at which time the <br />dollar amounts are determined as to the benefit received by each <br />of the parcels that would be assessed to that particular parcel. <br />There has been the policy of the City of Roseville not to assess <br />for residential property that is being used as residential pro- <br />perty in R-1 and R-2 districts which makes this a doubly expen- <br />sive one. Now, the only part that is assessed is the part that <br />is not funded by any other means and, of course, this works <br />according to the front footage available. And, as you can see, <br />most of this is private single-family dwellings and they all face <br />the short end of the street which would be the front and its <br />whole side has only been assessed at 10 percent of the cost in <br />the first place. So, it gets down on this particular project <br />that there is only 1,075 feet that could possibly be assessed. <br />The total cost of the project is $455,294 and the part that is <br />not funded through the state is the part that we would be working <br />on for the assessment. And it has been the polic~ to assess pro- <br />perty over a 15-year periOd and the rate of assessment for <br />deferred assessments is 1 percent over whatever we sell the bond <br />issue for so that there is not much room for having any other <br />sort of a maintenance plan. Now the que~tion, of course, remains <br /> feature of, is this a feasible, viable project <br />for this particular cost? And that is the question that is pre- <br />sented before the council today. If you have any questio~s I <br />will be glad to answer them on how this proceeds. Do you know <br />what exactly the funding is from the state on the paved roads? <br /> <br />HONCHELL: They will fund 100 percent of it but we assess <br />based on benefit to property to reduce the amount of funds that <br />have to be used so that is stretches dollars to as many projects <br />as possible. <br /> <br />PETERSON: In this particular case the engineer, Mr. <br />Honchell, has mentioned already that this would be a prohibitive <br />amount if we would use it on a regular front foot basis and then <br />coming in with a recommendation to the counsel to make it quite a <br />bit less, something around the $80 figure that you spoke of. <br /> <br />ROGER MULHAGEN, 468 West Eldridge: I am a member of the <br />Roseville Lutheran and I was chairman of the building committee <br />on the last building project. At that time in order to get our <br />building permit we were asked to donate another 17 feet of pro- <br />perty to the City to make this particular project feasible. The <br />previous building project was also asked to contribute the origi- <br />nal 15 feet of the certain property to widen it to the center of <br />the street. We would hope that, as you know, you are assessing <br />Roseville Lutheran, that you would keep in mind that property <br />that we have already given to the City. Also, we think parking <br />only on one side is going to create hardship for the church and <br />that we are using a lot of that parking space on Sundays on both <br />sides of the street. So we are really going to come out sort of <br />on the short end of this. <br /> <br />-4- <br />