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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:18:27 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:18:21 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. SS-84-4 Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />an excellent compromise solution to a difficult problem which will <br />also be of great long term benefit to the City and all the people <br />involved. I'm in favor of it as proposed and I move that it be <br />ordered. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER KEHR: I feel that what we have here are 5 or 6 <br />people that have shown resistance to it, they also indicated <br />tonight that they would like to have it tabled so that they could <br />have more time to review it more thoroughly, and I would like to <br />suggest that we grant them that extra time. From all indications <br />here this evening, I think they feel they've had a very short time <br />to review it and I think it would be better to defer it for a <br />while, let the people involved discuss it and then get back to the <br />engineering department. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER CURLEY: I would like to make a few remarks. <br />I've sat up here for a long time and gone through lots and lots of <br />sewer meetings. I wish we could say we got through a hearing and <br />asked how many people wanted this and they'd all say "Yeah", hurry <br />up. That certainly would make it easy, but it doesn't work that <br />way, there is always somebody who needs it and then there are some <br />who don't want it and others who say that nothing is ever going to <br />happen. Its very easy to sit there and say its never going to <br />happen, but I will tell you with this sewer improvement, it just <br />might make it happen, and you might get some fast offers for some <br />of this land and you might be very happy about it in the future. <br />I can remember the time when we were putting water in, and one <br />gentlemen stood up and said I really don't want water, I've got a <br />150 foot well, and he was very hostile about it. I can remember <br />when the water was coming up the street and his well went dry. So <br />think about that. I'm not trying to be funny or smart, things can <br />and do happen. I therefore think I will second Councilmember <br />Johnson's motion. <br /> <br />JOHNSON: Charlie, if this project is ordered now, when will <br />it go in? <br /> <br />HONCHELL: This fall. <br /> <br />JOHNSON: What if we delay this, say a month? Would it still <br />go in this year? <br /> <br />HONCHELL: Hopefully. It will take a good 60 days before we <br />could get a contractor. And it's going to take him some time to <br />go out, do the work, were looking at probably October construc- <br />tion, if set right today. It depends upon whether they want to <br />build in the fall. <br /> <br />JOHNSON: Ordinarily I would say let them have the time to <br />work it out, and get back to us, but I am concerned that waiting <br />will get us past the October date. <br />
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