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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Autumn Grove Park, and other neighborhood positives, Mr. Shwiff noted that <br /> those all aggregately incurred additional traffic. Mr. Shwiff further noted the <br /> Hamline Center and its current zoning for HDR and the entire Snelling corridor <br /> north of Highway 36; in addition to retail shopping near the Byerly's mini-mall <br /> and projected development at Twin Lakes; including other development occurring <br /> north of Highway 36 in Roseville and the east side of Lexington Avenue that <br /> would further demand opening County Road C-2 to other neighborhood collectors <br /> to avoid compounding the traffic burdens for Josephine Road. <br /> Mr. Shwiff opined that this issue went far beyond residents of Josephine Road, <br /> and was a wider Roseville and regional issue. Mr. Shwiff displayed a map show- <br /> ing the location of those signatures on the petition, and their locations throughout <br /> the community. Mr. Shwiff referenced an August 7, 2011 Star Tribune opinion <br /> poll, with responses to two (2) questions related to the County Road C-2 issue re- <br /> sulting in 32/4 and 32/7 respectively in support of opening County Road C-2. <br /> Mr. Shwiff referenced projected vehicles projected between Hamline and Lexing- <br /> ton Avenues; and asked that the citizens represented by this petition be treated <br /> equally and not be asked unfairly to carry this huge volume of traffic; but that it <br /> be shared equally today and in the future. <br /> Jeannie LaPalm,2891 Merrill Street <br /> Mr. and Mrs. LaPalm were present with their children, representing the "Save C- <br /> 2" organization; and Ms. LaPalm spoke on behalf of this, those present and those <br /> unable to attend, and in support of keeping County Road C-2 closed. In noting <br /> the presence of her children, Ms. LaPalm noted that the major concern was ob- <br /> viously one of safety for those children living in this neighborhood. Ms. LaPalm <br /> thanked the City Council for authorizing the traffic study, opining that it had been <br /> very informative and specifically addressed page 20 of the study related to the <br /> rolling terrain and short vertical curve, located just east of their property and defi- <br /> ciencies in design and the existing configuration not meeting design standards for <br /> 30 mph traffic. Ms. LaPalm noted that some residents were requesting that Coun- <br /> ty Road C-2 be opened because it was a state aid road and therefore funds gener- <br /> ated for that road were not being used; and to that end, she quoted a portion of the <br /> study as it addressed MnDOT's state aid manual for minimum vertical curve <br /> lengths at 90' with significant mitigation required from Merrill to Griggs to just <br /> meet that safety standard for a state aid road. Ms. LaPalm asked if such mitigated <br /> safety standards would include recessed roadway and sidewalks for their neigh- <br /> borhood; and asked that the City Council was prepared to address potential vehi- <br /> cular/pedestrian or vehicular/bicycle accidents and deficiencies if County Road C- <br /> 2 was to be connected. Ms. LaPalm quoted comments of the City Attorney re- <br /> lated to the City's limited liability with existing conditions and those that would <br /> be realized if County Road C-2 were opened up and design and deficiency mitiga- <br /> tions along that stretch of road. <br />