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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 9 <br /> commodate a handful of self-serving citizens. Mr. Miliotis reviewed City Code <br /> defining a "cul-de-sac" indicating their purpose to provide a permanent termina- <br /> tion of vehicular traffic. Mr. Miliotis expressed his personal astonishment at the <br /> lack of respect by other residents for his neighborhood; and provided a demo- <br /> graphic overview of his neighbors of all ages and situations, as well as pedestrians <br /> and bicyclists using the roadways as well. Mr. Miliotis asked that the City Coun- <br /> cil completely overlook this entitlement request to open County Road C-2, noting <br /> the hours spent by him and his neighbors on this issue based on a misguided at- <br /> tempt to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist. In the strongest terms possi- <br /> ble and on behalf of his neighbors, Mr. Miliotis asked that the City Council dis- <br /> play stewardship of their neighborhoods to permanently close the cul-de-sac on <br /> County Road C-2 to avoid this issue coming up again in the future. <br /> Stuart Shwiff, 1233 Josephine Road <br /> A letter signed by Pam Newcome and Stuart Shwiff, dated July 15, 2011, as a <br /> cover to the petition from concerned citizens living or working in Roseville, be- <br /> lieving that fully opening County Road C-2 would be in the best long-term inter- <br /> est of the greater Roseville community was provided as a bench handout, attached <br /> hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> Mr. Shwiff advised that he was representing a large group of residents of Jose- <br /> phine Road, Lydia Avenue and adjacent side streets, 140 who had signed the peti- <br /> tion to-date, to fully open County Road C-2 between Lincoln Drive and Victoria <br /> Street in Roseville. The petition included a statement that since County Road C-2 <br /> is funded as a state aid rod, but not benefitting the broader community since it is <br /> not fully connected between Hamline and Lexington Avenues. The petition was <br /> based on there being no engineering reasons why County Road C-2 could not be <br /> opened; and supporting it being fully connected to provide an additional east/west <br /> collector road to share a portion of increased traffic levels projected for the area; <br /> and in the best interest of Roseville to more efficiently utilize existing roadways <br /> to more evenly distribute traffic versus overburdening a few streets and neighbor- <br /> hoods. <br /> Mr. Shwiff advised that he had been privileged to serve on the City's 2030 Com- <br /> prehensive Plan Transportation Committee; with goals and strategies of the Plan <br /> based on the foundation established by the Imagine Roseville 2025 community vi- <br /> sioning process and documents; and commitments of the City of Roseville to the <br /> Metropolitan Council's mandates. Mr. Shwiff referenced a portion of the Situa- <br /> tion Analysis from the 2030 Comprehensive Plan's Transportation Section related <br /> to east/west routes in the community. Mr. Shwiff specifically referenced Goals 2, <br /> Policy 3.1 and Policy 3.2 of the Imagine Roseville 2025 document; noting that <br /> opening County Road C-2 was exactly a solution that would occur. While recog- <br /> nizing the numerous positive revitalizations and revisions in this immediate area, <br /> including zoning changes to medium density and the upcoming Josephine Woods <br /> Development by Pulte Homes, Parks and Recreation Department renovation of <br />