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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:54:54 PM
Creation date
9/20/2011 1:49:14 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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456 <br />457 Chair Eckman advised that she had contacted both member city mayors, with Shoreview Mayor Sandy <br />458 Martin providing two (2) potential candidates for consideration; Chair Eckman advised that Mayor Martin <br />459 had laid the initial ground work for her conversation with this candidate; and she was currently awaiting a <br />460 return phone call from that citizen. Chair Eckman noted that she had attempted several times to contact <br />461 Roseville Mayor Dan Roe; but was waiting to hear from him; and asked Mr. Schwartz for his assistance <br />462 in facilitating this contact. <br />463 <br />464 Chair Eckman noted that she had received several other suggestions from Shoreview Councilmember <br />465 Ady Wickstrom; as well as a potential Snail Lake neighborhood representative. <br />466 <br />467 Member Von De Linde advised that she could provide the name of someone who may be interested. <br />468 <br />469 Chair Eckman noted that Scott Halstad from the Senior Forum was considering involvement; and word <br />470 was still pending from the area Chamber of Commerce on a City of Roseville or Shoreview representative <br />471 for consideration. <br />472 <br />473 Action Sten <br />474 Mr. Petersen was asked to follow -up with the area Chamber of Commerce. <br />475 <br />476 Chair Eckman noted the preference to complete the work of the task force before mid - October in case <br />477 there was a recommendation on storm water utility fees for member cities in a timely manner within the <br />478 confines of their budget processes. <br />479 <br />480 Mr. Petersen questioned if it was necessary to schedule a special meeting of the GLWMO Board to <br />481 approve the slate of recommended task force members; or if the GLWMO Board preferred to grant that <br />482 authority to the Chair; since the slate was originally to be presented to the Board for action tonight; and <br />483 questioned the prudence of waiting until the August 18, 2011 meeting. <br />484 <br />485 Chair Eckman suggested that the slate for the TAC and the task force be available at the regular August <br />486 GLWMO Board meeting. <br />487 <br />488 Member Miller suggested that, if the slate was not available until the August meeting and seeing the <br />489 GLWMO Board will be making the ultimate decision, the Board consider the criteria to consider <br />490 alternatives, not who will be on it. Member Miller advised that, in consideration of his suggestion, he had <br />491 drafted some initial criteria, which he distributed to Board members, attached hereto and made a part <br />492 hereof, and in the interest of keeping things moving, suggested that the criteria could be considered <br />493 without task force members in place Member Miller asked that individual Board members review the <br />494 criteria and submit their comments through Mr. Petersen before the August meeting. <br />495 <br />496 Action Step <br />497 Chair Eckman asked that individual GLWMO Board members provide Mr. Petersen with any revisions or <br />498 their approval of the draft criteria developed by Member Miller before the August meeting; with Mr. <br />499 Petersen then disseminating those proposed revisions and comments to the full GLWMO Board for <br />500 further comment and/or review. <br />501 <br />502 Member Barrett left the meeting at this time, approximately 5:00 p.m. <br />503 <br />504 <br />505 <br />506 <br />10 <br />
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