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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:54:54 PM
Creation date
9/20/2011 1:49:14 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Water Quality Monitoring Program 2011 and Beyond <br />Mr. Petersen noted that, in the 2011 budget, $10,000 in funds were slated for watershed assessments and <br />that the Board approved utilizing these funds for lake aquatic vegetation studies instead at its May <br />meeting. To date, with only two (2) studies completed for Lake Wabasso; and recommended that the <br />balance of funds available that could be reallocated for this proposed monitoring. Mr. Petersen advised <br />that FOR submitted a proposal to install and monitor with the three (3) ISCO water quality samplers, <br />belonging to the GLWMO, for the period of August 1 to November 1, 2011 (approximate). Mr. Petersen <br />noted that the information acquired would be useful in calibrating the P8 models as part of the TMDL <br />study scheduled to begin this fall. <br />At the request of Member Miller, Mr. Petersen clarified that, in the revised 2011/2012 budget document <br />approved at the May 2011 board meeting, it had been assumed that the $10,000 would be fully expended <br />in 2011. <br />Ms. Correll spoke to the benefits of going these samples as they related to the TMDL study; based on <br />previous BARR Engineering water modeling, and given the potential budget and monitors already <br />available, and based on recent rainfall amounts Ms. Correll opined that it would prove beneficial for the <br />GLWMO to start collecting data now to assist with the TMDL study. Ms. Correll advised that FOR was <br />proposing a different location for samples, as BARR chose, in some sites, downstream of water treatment <br />facilities and those samples had been collected after some internal treatment, creating difficulties in <br />calibrating a model to use that data through estimating what was internal loading and what was actual <br />storm water loading. For the next three (3) months, Ms. Correll suggested that watersheds be chosen that <br />do not have any treatment whatsoever to determine what was coming off the land before treatment. Ms. <br />Correll noted that this would then be different information than that previously collected by BARB, <br />noting that there was little rainfall in those two (2) years of BARR sampling, creating an elevated nutrient <br />load. Please Note: "Treatment" means- mechanisms, both natural and man -made, that remove pollutants <br />from stormwater runoff. <br />Ms. Correll clarified that FOR was only submitting the proposal for this limited period, and was not <br />intending to perform monitoring for the GLWMO for the long -term. <br />Discussion included funds available for the bid to include tamper proof boxes; with verbal commitment <br />from Ramsey /Washington for loan of the boxes; and equipment available for use by FOR with its <br />condition good, and only requiring some new tubing. <br />Ms. Correll advised that it could also be part of the phosphorus monitoring in future years. <br />Motion 11 -07 -09 <br />Member Westerberg moved, and Member Miller seconded approval of the scope outlined in the FOR <br />proposal dated July 19, 2011, for monitoring for the remainder of 2011; and authorized the Chair to sign a <br />standard service contract with EOR. <br />Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried. <br />Mr. Petersen noted that a Request for Proposals (RFP) would be developed by May 1, 2012 . seeking long- <br />term monitoring services. <br />Appoint Board Member Secretary Position <br />In the interest of time, by consensus, this item was deferred to the August meeting. <br />11 <br />
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