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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:54:54 PM
Creation date
9/20/2011 1:49:14 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Applying for 2012 State Grants <br />Ms. Correll provided a summary of potential 2012 grant applications, attached hereto and made a part <br />of, as detailed in a July 14, 2011 memorandum from FOR and Mr. Petersen. Ms. Correll briefly provided <br />a description of grant programs for which the GLWMO may be eligible; with additional information <br />available once the state government was back online; but noting that each grant application had different <br />requirements. Ms. Correll advised that FOR was offering its services pro bono to the GLWMO in <br />drafting grant applications, at the discretion and direction of the GLWMO Board. <br />Mr. Petersen noted that, given the report of Mr. Johnson with the RCD, there was a significant need for <br />matching funds for riparian buffer and stormwater infiltration BMPs; noting that there appeared to be <br />more demand than money. <br />When Chair Eckman questioned which grant funds would be realistically applicable to a WMO the size of <br />the GLWMO, Ms. Correll advised that grant programs did not look at the size of watersheds, but at the <br />strength of each proposal, need of resources, and whether the application results go above and beyond that <br />particular watershed for the overall good. With Chair Eckman's bias toward additional education, Ms. <br />Correll noted that education was an important component for grant applications as well, and as an <br />example, referenced the Community Partner Grant. <br />Member Westerberg noted the need for phosphorus reduction BMP grants in the south portion of the <br />GLWMO, referencing page 3 of the memorandum, Item #1. <br />Ms. Correll advised that she did not include potential costs, as a certain amount would be done as part of <br />the TMDL, researching what others had done and in partnership with the U of MN or other WD's to look <br />at water body fish populations to get a plan for implementation activities. <br />Ms. Correll suggested that the GLWMO apply for as many grants for which they were eligible; noting <br />that grants #l, 2, 3 and 4 are all equally weighted; and all addressed existing water quality issues, <br />primarily in Lake Owasso; but that the monetary value on them was all different; and if several proposals <br />benefited the same resource, it may serve to appeal to different agencies and provide an even greater <br />impact. <br />Discussion ensued regarding partnerships with various groups and agencies (e.g. Central Park in <br />Roseville); and other existing partnerships; completion of the Roseville Parks and Recreation Master Plan <br />and plans for natural resource management and identifying potential partnering opportunities as the <br />Roseville Parks Master Plan is implemented and incorporate those opportunities with water quality <br />improvements. <br />Ms. Correll noted that there were two (2) distinct groups: water quality (sustainability) and water <br />consumption (use). <br />Mr. Petersen opined that he was interested in Grant Items #5 and #6 to seal abandoned wells and protect <br />shoreline. <br />It was suggested that Grant Items #5 and #6 be included in the mix of requests <br />12 <br />
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