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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:54:54 PM
Creation date
9/20/2011 1:49:14 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Mr. Johnson provided a successful example from 2009/2010 from the McCarrons Lake Project in filtering <br />water before entering the lake. <br />Mr. Johnson provided preliminary projections for the 3`d quarter of cost -share projects estimated at <br />$22,000; opining that the GLWMO would need to determine priority funding for cost -share projects, until <br />those funds were depleted, and that the GLWMO would exceed typical caps. <br />Mr. Petersen suggested that, related to Lake Judy projects, the Board should establish clear cut priorities <br />for those projects addressing active erosion or untreated storm water entering the lake, and encumber <br />funds for those projects accordingly. Action Step: Mr. Petersen asked Mr. Johnson to assist the <br />GLWMO Board in prioritizing which projects would be most beneficial to water quality; and asked if that <br />information could be available for the GLWMO Board by their September 2011 meeting. <br />Mr. Johnson responded affirmatively, noting that some areas were worse than others, with some muskrats <br />burrowing underground and eroding the banks, suggesting that for those areas, the buffer area be <br />increased with more native vegetation; advising that he had several restoration candidates that would <br />allow the GLWMO to achieve significant impact for funds expended. Mr. Johnson advised that, due to <br />getting bids out, he could probably not provide the Board with information until their September meeting. <br />Chair Eckman noted one residence on Lake Judy in her neighborhood that discharged directly into the <br />lake, without possibility of any pretreatment at this time. <br />Mr. Schwartz arrived at this time, approximately 4:40 p.m. <br />Mr. Schwartz suggested that the Board also consider targeting project sites from a water quantity <br />management perspective rather than only from a water quality management perspective. <br />Mr. Johnson concurred, noting a project on Sharon Street in Roseville that was developed to avoid <br />frequent flooding. <br />Related to the Robert lwan cost -share contract coming before the GLWMO Board for approval tonight <br />(918 Transit Avenue, Roseville), Mr. Johnson revised that project in more detail, using another project <br />done several years ago in the Capitol Region Watershed District, but similar to plans for the Iwan project. <br />In light of the very limited cost -share funding GLWMO currently has available, Mr. Johnson advised that, <br />if necessary, the RCD could supplement GLWMO cost -share funding with funding that the RCD's has <br />acquired from BWSR, that was originally targeted to the Phalen Lake Chain of Lakes, to extend cost - <br />share funding for projects on Lake Judy and other lakes. The additional cost -share funding could allow <br />for up to 75% funding, even though the normal GLWMO cost -share was at 50 %. <br />Motion I1 -07 -4 <br />Approval of RCD Second Quarter Invoice <br />Member Westerberg moved, and Member Von De Linde seconded approval of the RCD Second Quarter <br />Invoice dated July 7, 2011 in the amount of $1,869.75, for technical assistance for second quarter, 2011 <br />water quality conservation practice cost -share programs, as detailed. <br />Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried. <br />
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