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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/22/2011 3:54:22 PM
Creation date
9/22/2011 3:44:00 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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negated that possibility, and with no other place for disposal being readily <br />available, that subcontractor stopped work on the project. Ms. Bloom advised <br />that there were other segments of the project underway during that time, but not <br />as obvious since they weren't on Dale Street. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that the contractor had started on the south end of Dale <br />Street earlier today; and the curb was scheduled for installation on Dale Street by <br />August 8, 2011. Mr. Schwartz noted that this project had also been impacted, and <br />required clean -up, as a result of the massive rain event. <br />Mr. Schwartz provided an update on the 2012 City udget process to -date, and <br />impacts to the Public Works Department budget r d to the City Manager - <br />recommended budget, and affecting virtually e department in the City. Mr. <br />Schwartz advised that impacts to the Publ' r partment would include <br />reductions in building and street light ance; nificant reduction in <br />pathway maintenance and reduction ' seal coat pr ; in addition to other <br />miscellaneous impacts, as well as ation of the annu 1 residential leaf <br />collection program. Mr. Schwartz a d that th drop off ould remain <br />open. Mr. Schwartz noted that disc ussi wo ntinue ove next few City <br />Council meetings; and th Council ha sed some conce with <br />identified impacts at their my 25 2 <br />Discussion included impacts t ow 1 in t intenance discussions, <br />with the pote one (1 E t uci now plow routes by one, <br />and extend' owin approx rty- inutes. <br />At the request air edet an an designs / construction schedules and <br />plansor Rice Str oa 2 to County Road C -2, Mr. Schwartz <br />advised that prelimin nginee were anticipated later this fall. Mr. <br />Schwartz advised at, it last m ng, both the Cities of Little Canada and <br />Roseville were on sam e; and while the project was originally planned for <br />2012, rights -of -way uisiti d clarification, the state then intended to defer it <br />to late summer start i 12. Given that late start date, Mr. Schwartz advised that <br />City feedback had re ted delaying the project for another season with work <br />then beginning in the ing of 2013; and thus allowing all private utilities to <br />complete their . 2012. <br />Chair DeBenedet noted the need for discussion on undergrounding utilities on that <br />segment. <br />Mr. Schwartz noted that staff had requested Xcel to provide preliminary cost <br />estimates; however, they could not do so until a preliminary plan was in place. <br />Member Felice questioned the status of the Fairview Pathway project, with Ms. <br />Bloom advising that now that the state is operating again, bids had been opened <br />on Friday, July 22; but had been substantially above the engineer's estimate, with <br />Page 3 of 18 <br />
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