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Rent shall be remitted to Lessor by check, in advance, on or before the first (1"') day of <br /> August during each year during the term of this Lease. At Tenant's option, it may prepay the <br /> entire lease rent but any prepayment shall not modify any rights of either party under this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 5. CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS. Tenant agrees to construct a <br /> Seventeen Thousand (17,000) to Nineteen Thousand (19,000) square foot building on the <br /> northeast comer of the Harriet Alexander Nature Center (the "Facility"), at its own expense, on <br /> the Property in accordance with the designs and plans to be approved by the Lessor. The <br /> Improvements must meet all Americans With Disabilities Act requirements for public buildings, <br /> and all other applicable building codes and laws. The Lessor must approve any design or plan <br /> changes in writing. The Lessor makes no warranties express or implied concerning the above- <br /> described work. Tenant shall inspect the property prior to commencing construction of any <br /> Improvements and satisfy itself that it is suitable for its purposes. Upon completion of <br /> construction of any Improvements, Tenant shall submit to Lessor a detailed record of all <br /> construction and related costs of those Improvements. <br /> 6. LIENS BY TENANT. The Tenant shall not create or allow any liens for labor or <br /> material on the Property, and all persons contracting with the Tenant for the erection, installation, <br /> alteration, or repair of any building or other improvements on the Property, and all materialmen, <br /> contractors, mechanics, and laborers, are hereby charged with notice that they must look to the <br /> Tenant and to the Tenant's interests only in the Property to secure the payment of any bill for <br /> work done or material furnished during the term of this Lease. <br /> Tenant agrees not to enter into any contract with any person, firm,or corporation, or with <br /> any labor contractor for labor, service, or material in connection with any building or <br />