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POLICY OBJECTIVE <br /> The city previously made a substantial investment that needs to be protected <br /> and enhanced. <br /> PIP monies will be spent to redevelop present park facilities rather than <br /> construct entirely new projects. <br /> Projects will be recommended by staff, reviewed and referred by the Parks <br /> and Recreation Commission and adopted by the city Council. <br /> Additional funding may be used from participating groups to enhance the <br /> project, pending Council approval. <br /> Regular ongoing maintenance will continue to address these problems that <br /> are not a part of the adopted current PIP projects to insure completely safe <br /> facilities. <br /> It is estimated it will take ten years to fully implement PIP. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS <br /> $250,000 has bee approved In the 1 999 City Budget in the Recreation Fund for <br /> implementation of the PIP. <br /> STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> Eased on the completion and analysis of the PIP evaluation process and the <br /> recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission, staff recommends that the <br /> Council approve the following projects totaling $250,000. <br /> DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST <br /> OA I ,ERU E RUSSELL,PARKVIEW PLAY EQUIPMENT 75,000.00 <br /> GYMNASTICS CENTER AIR CONDITIONING $507000.00 <br /> CENTRAL PARK TENNIS COURT RESURFACING $8,000.00 <br /> CENTRAL PARK PATH RESURFACING $603000.00 <br /> CENTRAL PARK LEX Svc FIELD REPAIR $57,000-00 <br /> SUB-TOTAL $2501000.00 <br /> COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED <br /> Motion authorizing the approval of PIP projects for the 1999 PIP with monies to be taken <br /> from the $250,000 appropriated in the 1999 Budget for the Park Improvement Program. <br />