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_E1 131IJ <br /> Suggested Ordinance Changing Statutory C ivf Election Da-e <br /> THEF CITY COUNCIL OF M(N NE S 0 T:--*k, 0�R D A IN S <br /> Secl�cri 1 . Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 205 07, 'Commeric*ng with the 19 le t fin, the <br /> eur :ity erection o 5l be held annually on the first Tuesday : the first Monday in <br /> November of each odd-numbered {even-numbered) year. <br /> SectiOn 2 Whenever Eh15 change in the election year results in the a-xp:ation of any current term of office <br /> 4:1 a ►'.me when no city electron �S held in the months Immediately prror thetew, each cerm 'S extended until <br /> the date for taking office following the next sch.edwlea city electron. At the 19 election at which three <br /> catincilmen are t) be elected, the two persons rewe ing the highest vote shall serve fur terms of four years <br /> and the person receiving the third highest number of votes shall serve for a term of two years.' <br /> C;eCtion 3. This ordinance shall rake effect upon its passage and publicarion <br /> , der by �h t tray v.. <br /> . .....r. .. .._.. 1 .w........,. <br /> Mayor <br /> .ITT EST <br /> Clerk <br /> ..... wow rw..,.y�r.■r R�r,rr...i,n r'°r M f.w�+Y+*H�,■■R*i 41 rf.,w„. N r r .w r.w <br /> RYYif aN,.,. .,rr�RRYi A,Mr.. • <br /> This sentence aril! be needed orlly in citle5 which change their elec0on schedule before terms of councilmen <br /> originally Chf_)5e F-. for t tee-year r e.r ms have expired. it should be omitted in other Cases. If all incumbents <br /> are serving for four-year terms (two years in the case of the l ustiyc of the peace if there is one) when the or- <br /> dinance is adopted, the entire Section ? may be omitted and the follovving sentence, vvhich is simply a (e- <br /> szatement of the law for ttie Information of the cls r2ens, added to Section 1 "The term of each incumbent <br /> e lective officer Olt the city is exrended for one year in accordance �y fth that section." If Section 2 is n0C in- <br /> cluded, the following Section 3 should be tenunbered accordingly <br /> 'Since a s)taiutory cil ordinance toes into effect. on t�.e date of publication unless a later date is inserted in <br /> €lion ;ay �be_ omirted desired I a inter date is inserted, the dare should be no later <br /> '41 s tn Sf ' +� '7 � .�"f i r " rs ?L ye r <br /> r � L i s v �,e.i 3;�S{;j ��.� �� �1.� e�-E�C rte,.rsr.4r S � �i�� ��L�4"��1 E.� L �3 f <br /> �t t: for r Cities L nseparaLed Frorrr Towns Costs to the city may actually increase under the <br /> combined plan (f the city has previously exercised <br /> S me si�t:A tot y ciw ies vvl;ices �► c e formerly viil. 45 option of shortening the hours for city elections. <br /> :.ges,have not been separated for election and assess- It is doubtful that there could be any substantial <br /> ment ournoses from the towns in which they lie. consolidation ;n the conduct of the two elections <br /> In each su .l� cage t�� �o�i:n €S responsih�� for the in these instances although the voters' task could <br /> c��nduct of state e;ectEuns, bUz, the city rnLst Con- <br /> C,, be simplified and larger vote secured at the city <br /> dLJ thL t e4 i ion. Th, S, a:n s��ch city wild find lection f t r.4 � ­!""t ions were held in adjoining <br /> f ly l ml� � cost zadvan",ages €n ShJting ro the odd- -00MS o1 �"J. � � (gar consolidation could be <br /> ,e� �c t� s �:� �1: ^r�,: o -;ccl would Still � Ir_F_r-A r� c!. k i-on administration under the <br /> s G r L. S t L►--d a n n <br /> �,�.�� ro :i ��' •� �7r r ,� s� �?�'� ��� f he �.€r�� e ��t€on ►_. �1U. •'_E =E�. '.*, t- .,::on act (N1 S- 4� 1 err <br /> ;,fir,=;l anus To do together <br />