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what thev have the power to do separately is sore- provide for %v hacever terms of office and transi- <br /> What conjectural in view of the explicit scatuEcry `.Iondal requirements are deemed necessary. If this <br /> provisions regarding the conduct of elections. At method is not feasible in a particular city, an <br /> any rate, the difficulties of holding the city etec- amendment may be proposed by the charter coo- <br /> rion in the even year in such a city are so much rniSSIOn and approved by the people by the same <br /> greater than in the case of a city completely separ- 5I majority, <br /> ated from the town in which it lies that few are <br /> likely to find the even-year schedule advantageous. If the council of a home ruie city wishes to <br /> change to the first Tuesday after the first Monday . <br /> Home Rule Charter Cities in November of odd-numbered years, it may use <br /> the alternative method of adoption by ordinance <br /> Any home rule chatter city may choose any elec- under the uniform election day law, Minn. Stat. <br /> tion day it wishes by charter amendment. The sim- Sec. 205.20. The ordinance may fix terms at an <br /> plest way is to amend the charter by ordinance, even number of years (adding or subtracting one <br /> which requires a recommendation of the charter year to existing terms, plus the requisite number <br /> commission and adoption of the ordinance by a of additional months if the election is shifted from <br /> unanimous vote of the council after a public hear- spring to fall) and for staggering terms on the coun- <br /> ing on two weeks published notice. No eieCTion is cil or other multi-member elective body. The ordi- <br /> requfred unless a petition requesting one is filed nance may not go into effect for 90 days (or later <br /> within 60 days after publication of the ordinance if it so provides) and is subject to referendum if a <br /> after being signed by voters equal to two per cent petition signed by voters equal to five per cent of <br /> of the number of voters at the last State election, those voting at the last state general election is <br /> or 2,000 at :he highest. In that case, 51% of those filed within 60 days after publication of the ordi- <br /> voring on the amendment must approve it if it is to nance. If a referendum is held, approval of 55 per <br /> go into effect. The amendment may, of course, cent of those voting on the ordinance is required <br /> r to make it effective. <br /> v. <br /> A; <br /> �r <br /> t <br /> if f <br /> -- ji <br /> `L,.'C i <br /> /56 <br /> Rev CCP: <br />