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The planned unit development review process also requires coordination with the <br /> subdivision regulations; therefore, subdivision review in accordance with the City's <br /> a <br /> subdivision regulations is carried out simultaneously with the review of the PU D. <br /> This �� <br /> rovision lies whether the PUD includes one parcel or multiple parcels. <br /> p <br /> 2.0 ,BAS IUD <br /> 2.1 Bradley Deal Estate owns the property occupied by Roseville Center, as well as the <br /> two ro erties formerly occupied by the Margolis Nursery and Fina Petroleum. The <br /> p p <br /> shopping in center and Fina parcels are located in a SC, Shopping Center District, and <br /> the Margolis parcel is located in a B-1, Limited Business District. Adjacent land <br /> uses include a combination of residential and commercial to the north and south, <br /> and commercial to the east and west. In order to upgrade the center, Bradley Real <br /> Estate is proposing to combine the three parcels into a three lot subdivision and <br /> y <br /> designate the entire development as a planned unit development. <br /> 2.2 The site development plan for the Center has been continuously modified and <br /> improved since the original application was submitted In September 1997. The <br /> overall flow of traffic on the site, as well as to and from the site off public rights-of- <br /> way, has been improved by relocating a curbcut on Larpenteur Avenue best further <br /> to the west so i jthwest of Taco Bell), modifying the Taco Bell drive-through, <br /> modifying the Snyder Drug drive-through, and realigning off-street parking areas <br /> west of Taco Bell and east of Snyder Drug. The site development plan was also <br /> modified to include the design elements outlined in the Larpenteur Avenue <br /> treetsca p a [aster Flan, provide improved pedestrian access to the site, increase <br /> the amount of landscaping on the site, and integrate the overall design and <br /> appearance of the buildings and signage for the Center and Taco Bell, and provide <br /> pylon signs which are "grounded.,, <br /> Proposed improvements to the facade of the building include replacement of the <br /> roof with a new painted metal standing seam roof with a 12 inch vertical cornice <br /> (slate blue), installation of a removable metal panel raceway which will also be used <br /> as a sign band (neutral), brick column enclosures including a broken block base <br /> (Kasota stone a pearance)and painted metal caps matching the roof color. A <br /> center tower is also proposed, which includes a broken biock base planter with pin <br /> mounted p ainted metal letters identifying Roseville center and a painted metal cap, <br /> brick column's, p ainted metal plates, I-beam columns, metal panels, and backlit <br /> alwall gazin panels with translucent acrylic letters (signs for inside tenants). <br /> g <br /> a Iwal I lazi n g panels are a fiberglass material often used for skylights and walls <br /> i r where a translucent quality s desired. The design of the center tourer is intended <br /> to reflect the tracery ,metal and translucent material elements of greenhouse design <br /> (as outlined in the Larpenteur Avenue Streetscape Master Plan). Additional tourers <br /> with the same design elements may also be placed at either end of the building, <br /> depending on the overall cost of improvements. The north side of the building will <br /> p g <br /> also be painted with a complementary color. <br /> P F#296 3-RCA(02/09198)- Page 2 of 7 <br />