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details for Center signage, and the Roseville center sign criteria (identified as <br /> Exhibits A- H in Section 4.0 of this document), and final land use designations shall <br /> be part of the standards for development of the Roseville Center PUD. <br /> 10.2 Uses. The use of property within the PUD shall be limited to the existing 75,000 <br /> square foot ,multi-tenant retail facility (Lot ), a free-standing 2,150 square foot <br /> restaurant (Lot 1 -Taco Bell), and a building pad for a future tenant (Lot 3 - Margolis <br /> Nursery site), and shall be restricted to the parameters specified in the site <br /> development plan, building elevations, and supporting documents submitted by the <br /> DEVELOPER. Where not superseded by more restrictive requirements of this PUD, <br /> the standards of the underlying SD (Shopping Center) zoning district shall apply, as <br /> stated in chapter 1006 of the Roseville City Code. <br /> 10.3 Uses for Lot 3 (Margolis Nursery site). Lot 3 may be developed for office, retail, or <br /> service uses as allowed in the underlying s (Shopping Center) zoning district, <br /> except as outlined herein. The following uses shall be allowed without any <br /> additional CITY action: day care center or additional off-street parking for the <br /> Center. The following uses are prohibited: auto accessory stores, liquor stores, <br /> medical/dental ofFices, restaurants, theaters, auto repair services, clubs and lodges, <br /> amusement establishments, bowling alleys, pool halls, dance hails, commercial <br /> gymnasiums, swimming pools, skating rinks, automobile sales, boat showrooms, <br /> fuel and ice sales, motels or hotels, mortuaries, service stations, commercial auto <br /> washing, camping trailer sales, snowmobile sales, dog kennels, outdoor display of <br /> merchandise/machinery/equipment, or similar uses as determined by the <br /> Community Development Director. A buffer zone between this site and the adjacent <br /> residential district shall be required in conjunction with site development in <br /> accordance with section 1006.02(H)(2) of the city Code, <br /> 10.4 Building Setbacks. Building setbacks for the ,multi-tenant retail facility and free- <br /> standing restaurant shall be as shorn on the approved overall site development <br /> plan and the detail site development plan for Taco Bell (Exhibits B and ). Building <br /> setbacks for Lot 3 shall be a minimum of 40 feet along the north property line, 10 <br /> feet along the unrest property line, 10 feet along the east property line, and 10 feet <br /> along the south property line. <br /> 10.5 Building Height Building heights for the multi-tenant retail facility and free-standing <br /> restaurant shell be limited to one story as shorn on the approved building <br /> elevations (Exhibits IF and ). Building height for any building on Lot 3 shall be a <br /> maximum of three stories for a mixed use project (office, service, and/or retail with <br /> residential above ground level floor) and a maximum of one story for a single use <br /> project (office, service, or retail). <br /> PUD/Subdivision Agreement#(Roseville Center.) - Page 6 of 11 <br />