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Twin Lakes Advisori Stakeholders Panel <br />(Council approved 12/08103 with recision underlinedi <br />Prepared by: Dennis Welsch, in consultation with Bohn Shardlow (DSU) and Michael Noonan (Rottlund) <br />Pro `eet Area: Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area (280 acres) north of County Road C, cast of <br />Cleveland Avenue, west of Snelling Avenue, and south of residential zoned land along <br />Bremner Avenue, Counter Road C-2. and Centennial Drive. <br />Vision: Create a high quality, new neighborhood with coordinated residential and mixed -use <br />business park redevelopments (for living and working) in an environmentally sensitive <br />design. Create a `%ranX' or sense of coordinated neighborhood place that expands the tax <br />base and diversifies the job base ... The basic land uses in the master plan are to be <br />office, hi -tech, residential and retail. billow some flexibility for market fluctuations; be <br />timely, but focus on the longer terra and high quality development in a continuum of <br />development issues, <br />Givens: The redevelopment area consists of the 280 acres within Twin Lakes. The truer <br />terminals and true traffic will be reduced or eluninated. Soil contaminates will be <br />