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the density needed to economically make the project feasible did not account for <br />accommodating the wetland on site. with that challenge, Mr. Guptil decided to focus on other <br />projects and delay the development of the site. Mr. Guptil has indicated that he is willing to <br />develop a plan, in cooperation with the IRA, in 2004. <br />2.2 Staff is suggesting that prior to development of the site that a neighborhood study process he <br />conducted by the City (City Council, HRA and Planning Commission), in partnership with the <br />Mc arron's Neighborhood Association. The purpose of a i'Me arrons Neighborhood Study' <br />would be to engage residents, property owners, neighborhood groups, business owners and <br />developers in formulating a future development plan for the areas surrounding Mc 'arron's <br />Lake and the property at 185 N. Mc arrons Blvd. This process has been successfully initiated <br />in other areas to provide more up front cornmunity involvement such as the Arona- Hamline <br />Master Plan, Tower Place Master Plan, James Addition and Twin Lakes Master Plan. <br />2.3 The proposed Mc arrons Neighborhood Study has identified a "study area". within this study <br />area current conditions would be reviewed -- neighborhood features, housing types, condition of <br />housing, values, demography of residents, traffic and environmental conditions such as water, <br />noise, air duality. In audition, the study would review future land uses for not only 185 N. <br />Mcarrons but other sites such as the Armory, commercial sites on Rice Street and other <br />underutilized or at risk residential sites. The study will attempt to bring together different land <br />owners, churches and public agencies such as the city, watershed district and school district, to <br />partner in planning the future of the area. The study is estimated to take four months to <br />complete and would include at least two neighborhood meetings. The end result of the study <br />would be a comprehensive plan amendment for the area and the ultimate development plan for <br />185 N. Mc arrons. (Refer to attached draft "Mc arron's Neighborhood Study"). <br />A Status of 185 N. l c arrons Blvd - The site currently contains a dilapidated vacant single <br />family home and shed. The owner has made strides to keep the site in compliance with City <br />Codes and has provided a letter indicating that he will participate in the Mc arron's <br />Neighborhood Master Plan process while committing to proper maintenance and upkeep of the <br />building and grounds per City Code requirements. However, the garage on site still remains in <br />disrepair with a broken door. (Refer to attached ernai led letter). <br />3.0 COUNCIL ACTION <br />3.1 There is no required action for this item. The report is provided as information only and an <br />update on what process the HI A is taking in regards to the property at 185 N. McCarrons as <br />directed by the City Council. The four month study will begin in October. H1A Chair Bill <br />Maj eras and Planning Commission Chair, Jim Mulder, have indicated that they would <br />participate in the study process on behalf of the HRA and Planning Commission with periodic <br />reports to Council provided throughout the process. <br />Prepared by. Cathy Bennett (b5 1-490-2241) <br />Attachments: Draft Mc arron's Neighborhood Study, E ailed commitment from DenWs Guptil dated August 14, 2003 <br />1 \Victaria\CommDcv\Sp ial Projccts\Mccamns Neighborhood\RCA 09_29_03 McCarrnns Neigh Study.doc <br />McCarrens Neighborhood Study (9- 29 -03) Page 2 of 2 <br />