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1 2. Subcontractor. Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for any of <br />the services provided for in this Contract without the express written <br />consent of City. <br />13. independent Contractor.- At all times and for all purposes hereunder, <br />Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of the <br />City. Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to make <br />Contractor or any of its employees an employee or an agent of City. <br />14. Assignment: Neither paw shall assign this Contract, nor any interest <br />arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. <br />15. Compliance _. with Laves and f �� „�Iations_ In providing services <br />hereunder, contractor shall abide by all statutes, ordinances} rules, <br />and regulations pertaining to the provision of the services to he <br />provided. Any violation shall cots stitute a material breach of the <br />Contract. <br />16. Audit. Disclosure: Contractor shad allow City and its duly authorized <br />agents reasonable access to such of the Contractor's books and <br />records as are pertinent to all services provided under this Contract. <br />Any reports, information, data, etc. given to, prepared, or assembled <br />by Contractor under a future contract shall not be made available to <br />any other parties or party without the City's prior written approval. All <br />finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, <br />maps, models, photographs, or reports prepared by the Contractor <br />shall become the properly of City upon termination of this Contract. <br />17. Weighin-q of Loads and Reporti[Ig Reciuirements: contractor will keep <br />accurate records consisting of an approved Freight slip with the date, <br />time, collection route* driver's identification name, vehicle number, <br />tare weight, gross weight, net Freight, and number of recycling stops <br />for each loaded vehicle. <br />Collection vehicles will be weighed empty before collection to obtain <br />a tare weight, and weighed after completion of a roue or at the end <br />of the day, whichever occurs first_ <br />An original of each weight ticket shall be maintained on file by <br />Contractor for at least three years in the event of an audit by tine City <br />or County. Contractor will prepare and provide to City�'with <br />Contractor's monthly billing, a monthly report of the total number of <br />s #ops, total tons collected, a fair estimate of the percentage of the <br />10 <br />