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Total that each material type represents, and the markets generally <br />used for the sale of the recyclab4es. <br />18. Materials Disposition <br />Contractor shall assure that all recyclables collected in the City are <br />not landfilled or incinerated and are distributed to appropriate markets <br />for recycling. No recyclables will be landfilled or incinerated by <br />Contractor without written authorization from tine City and the <br />Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. <br />If Contractor determines that there is no market for a particular <br />recyclable or that the market has become economically unfeasible, <br />the Contractor shall immediately give written notice to the City. Said <br />notice shall include information demonstrating the effort Contractor <br />has made to find market sources, and the financial information <br />justifying the conclusion that the market is economically unfeasible. <br />Upon receipt of said notice, Contractor and the City shall have 30 <br />days to attempt to find a feasible market. During this period <br />Contractor shall continue to pick up the particular recyclable. <br />If Contractor or the City is not able to find a market within <br />the City has the option to: <br />a) Require Contractor to continue to collect the particular <br />recyclable. In such case, the City would pay Contractor, as <br />additional compensation, the tipping fee at the Newport RDF <br />plant or a mutually agreeable alternative site. The Contractor <br />is required to keep accurate records of said fees and provide <br />the City receipts of payment. <br />b) Notify Contractor to cease collection of the particular recyclable <br />until a feasible market is located, either by Contractor or by the <br />City. The Contractor would then he responsible for the cost of <br />printing and distributing educational materials explaining the <br />market situation to residents. <br />If the City notifies Contractor to cease collection of a particular <br />recyclable, the parties shalt immediately meet to renegotiate the per <br />unit fee for service. <br />In the event that the parties disagree on the question of whether <br />there is a market for a particular recyclable or on the economic <br />