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feasibility of that market, the disagreement shall be submitted to non- <br />binding arbitration. In this case, each party shat[ name an arbitrator, <br />and the two shah select a third person to sere as chairperson of the <br />arbitration panel. The arbitration panel shall meet and decide said <br />question within 30 days. Meanwhile, collection of said material shall <br />continue pending outcome of arbitration. <br />The City shall have the right, during the term of this Contract, to have <br />a representative on Contractor's premises to monitor the operation of <br />the Contract. Such representation shall only be allowed on <br />Contractor's premises during normal business hours and shall be <br />subject to reasonable conditions imposed by Contractor. <br />19. Utilities: The Contractor shall be obligated to protect all public and <br />private utilities, streets, or roadways, whether occupying a street or <br />public or private property. If such utilities, streets or roadways are <br />damaged by reason of the Contractor's operations, the Contractor <br />shall repair or replace same, or failing to do so promptly, the City <br />shall cause repairs or replacement to be made and the cost of doing <br />so shall be deducted from payment to be made to the Contractor. <br />0. Conflict of Interest: Contractor agrees that no member} officer, or <br />employee of the City shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this <br />Contract or the proceeds thereof. Violation of this provision shall <br />cause this Contract to be null and void and the Contractor will forfeit <br />any payments to be made under the Contract. <br />21. Entire Contract: This Contract supersedes all verbal agreements and <br />negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, <br />as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the <br />parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, <br />amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Contract <br />shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the <br />parties, unless otherwise provided herein. To the extent the <br />provisions of this Contract are in conflict with the requirements of the <br />provisions of the RFP, the RFP shall prevail. <br />22. Severabift: The provisions of this Contract are severable. If any <br />portion of the contract is, for any reason, held by a court of competent <br />jurisdiction to be contrary to taw, such decision shall not affect the <br />remaining provisions of this Contract. <br />1 <br />