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City Manager's 2004 Budget Recommendations <br />i. Reduce LICIT insurance premiums by 10 0, o 00 <br />(from $300,000 to 00,000); this 1OO,OOO ex- <br />penditure is currently used to pay for an extra level <br />of insurance coverage; I recommend we rely more <br />on self-insurance and less on purchased insurance. <br />ii. Maintain the City Code in -house instead of con - <br />tracting out for this service. $5,000. <br />M. Deduce Vehicle Maintenance Costs in the Fire Department. <br />$20P0001. <br />i. Explanation: on average, we are spending $43,000 <br />annually for vehicle maintenance just in the Fire <br />Department. Yet, once these vehicles are repaired <br />they are still old, still require lots of maintenance <br />attention, and still lack current technology and ca- <br />pabilities. I recommend we reduce our fleet of <br />older, costlier, single - purpose vehicles and begin <br />converting to fewer but never, more versatile, and <br />less maintenance- intensive vehicles. That would in- <br />crease our efficiency and reduce our operating <br />costs. <br />recommend one tax - funded spending increase for 2004. <br />N. Fund a Career Development Program. $20,000 <br />i. Explanation; We have promised the 49ors' group in <br />our collective bargaining agreeme nt that we would <br />try to implement a "career development program," <br />This would be a program that provides more oppor- <br />tunities for career training and more pay for main- <br />tenance employees who learn and consistently dem- <br />onstrate a higher shill level. This is good for the <br />employee, good for the City and its taxpayers, and <br />fair. I estimate that this program would cost the <br />City about $20,000 in 2004 to set -up and adminis- <br />ter. <br />10 <br />