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■ <br />Date; 7/28103 <br />Item: <br />r <br />Department approval: Manager Approved: Agenda Section: <br />Organizational Business <br />Item Description: <br />2003 -2004 Sergeantsfreamsters Contract Terms <br />Rackaroun d <br />The City of Roseville has three collective bargaining units. This Deport deals with the <br />Police Sergeants. There are 7 city employees in the Teamsters' bargaining unit. These <br />employees directly supervise the activities of the police officers and others in their areas <br />of assigned duty for the police Department. <br />Although wages are provided in five different plans to various city employees, the City <br />maintains a policy of parity for all employees. According to the corn , philosophy, arable <br />� � p <br />wages and benefits are consistently provided to the five employee groups. <br />In addition, the City benchmarks itself with comparable municipalities (Stanton <br />Cities). The Stanton group has contracted with the League of NIN Cities for the last 34 <br />gears to conduct an analysis of metre area county and city wage and benefits trends. <br />Once the data is compiled it is analyzed, entered and printed in the books that each <br />contracting city member receives. There were 109 participating jurisdictions in 2002 <br />covering 105 jobs within 15 job families. This method of research and comparison is <br />more efficient than having each county and city duplicating these efforts. Thus each job <br />classification is looked at separately across many cities to determine what comparable <br />cities and counties are doing and whether any "Stanton adjustment" is appropriate for that <br />job classification. <br />The Stanton v group consists of a benchmark group of comparable sized cities to <br />Roseville. There are 25 metro area cities Mn this group. according to comparable Stanton <br />V municipalities, the wage increase for union and non -union groups averages <br />approximately 3% for 2003. Staff surveyed 62 com aunities to gather this data. Based <br />upon the comparable data the proposed 2003 compensation adjustment for City of <br />Roseville employees that fall in these five groups will be 3%. The City Council <br />authorized a 2003 3% wage adjustment for non - union city staff as well as the 49er <br />bargaining unit. A 2003 3% cast of living adjustment was also authorized in the 2002 <br />budgeting process for the 2003 calendar year. <br />