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10/21/2011 3:15:45 PM
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10/21/2011 2:42:11 PM
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overpaying for speculative development, condemnation will be used as a last option in <br />redevelopment negotiation process to detennine a fair market value of the property. <br />In these cases, condemnation ensures that cost effective redevelopment occurs for <br />development that meets and exceeds the plans. All condemnation initiatives shall <br />require City Council approval. <br />7) To ensure that changes in the Twin Lakes Master flan are supported by the <br />community, the Twin Lakes Renewal Strategies were developed to refresh previous <br />master plans so that implementation would be done with current market conditions <br />and feedback fronn the community. The Twin Lakes Renewal Strategies are fully <br />outlined below in Section I. <br />Will Twin Lakes Strategies <br />Encourage updated/redeveloped mixed industrial and commerciaAusiness uses. <br />Improve access to these areas via County roads and the Parkway. protect office, <br />retai 1 } and residential areas from the aspects of pre - existing, non - conforming industry <br />and high volume traffic that disturb or disrupt the office or residential neight rhocAs. <br />2) Require redevelopment to phases with a number of parcels at one time. Utilize <br />planned unit developments for site - specific flexibility in redevelopment. <br />3) Develop guidelines that encourage new developments to incorporate style elements <br />from the new architecture present in Twin I .akes and Centre Pointe Business Parks. <br />For example, if the existing adjacent neighborhood consists of two-story, gable roofed <br />hones, the design, bulk and massing of the multiple- family structures should <br />complement the character of the existing neighborhood and blend into new office <br />developments. And, office buildings of 3 to 5 stories, using horizontal fenestration <br />banding} should complement each other in elevation, placement on the site} colors and <br />exterior materials. <br />4) Restrict new industrial or redevelopment business/service vehicle access to County <br />Roads and private, internal driveway systems. Require design stan&rds such as walls, <br />berms or landscape buffers between industrial and office, retail, and residential uses <br />where loading docks, driveways, and parking lot configuration cause noise, odors, <br />and lighting to be directed beyond the industry. <br />5 ) Adopt site design standards similar to those outlined in the Twin fakes Design <br />Standards to require screening and noise mitigation of outdoor loading and storage} <br />and activity areas from street and adjacent properties, screening duxnpsters and <br />loading areas, providing landscape and green -area buffers between buildings, parking <br />lots and signage and adjacent residential areas, and by limiting lighting or directing it <br />f ` <br />away from adjacent areas. <br />4 <br />
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