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10/21/2011 3:15:45 PM
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10/21/2011 2:42:11 PM
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6) Install sidewalks and pathways consistent with the City of Roseville adopted Pathway <br />Plan throughout the area and into the adjacent parks, neighborhood and retail areas, <br />7} Encourage the construction of mixed -use buildings with scale and detailing <br />appropriate to the surroundings. <br />8) Where feasible and meeting State standards and City policies, utilize tax increment <br />financing and other financial tools and grants to assist property owners and developers <br />to remodel or redevelop their properties consistent with the Twin Lakes Master Plan <br />adopted as part of the Comprehensive flan. Utilize City Brownfield revolving <br />business loans in cooperation with local hanks to assist existing businesses to <br />remediate contaminated sites. <br />9) Encourage improvement of visual attractiveness of property, buildings and public <br />rights -of -way and buffering around pre - existing, non - conforming industrial uses. <br />10) Create redevelopment opportunities for property owners and developers on sites that <br />are underused or not meeting current codes. " "U nderused'' means buildings not <br />covering at least 5% of the site, and land value at or below the average for the study <br />area. <br />Identify contaminated sites, determine the extent of the problem; identify remedial <br />actions to be undertaken by the owner to mitigate; and identify and secure financial <br />incentives to complete the work. <br />12 ) The County roads function best as carriers of local and cross - community traffic. In <br />areas fronting County roads where each site could be redeveloped independently, <br />consider access off of City access road, shared drives, cul -de -sacs or other means to <br />limit excessive curb cuts <br />13) Discourage the development of additional curb cuts onto County roads and eliminate <br />or combine existing curb cuts whenever possible. Require shared driveways or City <br />access roads on site plan to diminish conflicts between through traffic and local traffic. <br />14} Improve the street signage and direction signs. Create a standard dimension building <br />tenant sign, which is clearly readable from the street. <br />1) Maintain and improve the efficiency and function of Train Lakes Redevelopment Area <br />streets without widening existing roads, except for turning lames. <br />16) Request the County to establish Capital Improvement timelines for: <br />6 <br />
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