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City of Roseville ille - City Council Minutes for October 21, 2002 <br />incorporating a representative gateway to the City from the <br />unrest. <br />Mr. Cullen emphasized that their proposal was strictly a <br />preliminary concept plan. <br />Discussion items included the background of the <br />redevelopment Master Plan for Twin Lakes; approved Master <br />Plan land use summary comparison for flexibility purposes <br />(i.e., maximum density, potential, new takes, and other <br />impacts); public assistance, and the project's criteria in <br />meeting Rosevi lle's tax increment financing policy. <br />Mayor i ysylyczyn asked for two ( ) reasons why the City <br />should consider offering any public financing assistance for this <br />proposed project. <br />Mr. Cullen responded with several reasons, including a <br />proposed higher and better use than the current use, citing <br />potential contaminated properties from truck and shipping <br />terminals; new jobs within the entire redevelopment project} <br />location within an existing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) <br />District and meeting the original intent for TIF; potential for <br />additional tax revenue; and additional amenities to the <br />residents. <br />Cou ncilmem ber M a sch ka clarified that the developer was <br />potentially asking for ghat occurred in the City of New <br />Brighton, with an extension of a TIF District. <br />Mr. Cullen responded affirmatively. <br />ou ncilrnem ber M asch ka concurred with the project's meeting <br />the intent of TIF: and stated that the city's long - terra <br />redevelopment outline for the Twin Lakes area could be <br />defined as one of "quality, quality, quality;" and expressed his <br />approval of the concept plan presented in meeting the City's <br />criteria. <br />ouncilmember Dough addressed the relocation an <br />abandonment of existing trucking firms in the area; use of TIF <br />for contaminated soil improvement; and sought clarification of <br />the aspects of the project for which the developer was seeking <br />public financing. <br />Mr. Cullen stated that they had entered into several Purchase <br />Agreements with existing businesses in the area, and were in <br />negotiation with the balance of companies within the 60 acres <br />proposed for their Phase I development; and that they had <br />performed several environmental assessments on some <br />portions of the site, but others would be needed as the project <br />progressed. Mir. Cullen stated that they would be seeking some <br />commitment from the Council on upfront costs, with the <br />remainder of public financing requests involving pay -as- you -go <br />TIF. <br />® Cullen further stated that they anticipated completion of <br />Page 2 of 24 <br />http:// wrw. cityofroseviIle .cowlcounciUmeetings /minutes/ oo /mno 102 Lhtm 05/29/2003 <br />